August 26, 2024
Superintendent's Article
With the new school year just starting, it’s a good time to review some important transportation safety rules and reminders.
- Buses are on the road and many students will be walking or driving to and from school. Drivers should exercise caution and be on the lookout for pedestrians and bike riders.
- Children who are walking to and from school should follow crossing guard directions and only cross railroad tracks at designated crossings. Parents and guardians are encouraged to talk to their children about pedestrian safety.
- All drivers are asked to follow the school’s pick up and drop off procedures and ensure children exit vehicles on the passenger side, directly at the sidewalk. Parking or “waiting” in the pick up and drop lane is not permitted.
Drivers should also understand what to do at bus stops and what bus lights signify. The following tips are published on the Michigan State Police’s website:
School bus safety tips for drivers:
- Prepare to stop when a slowing bus has its overhead yellow lights flashing
- Stop at least 20 feet away from buses when red lights are flashing, unless driving in the opposite direction on a divided highway
- Slow down in or near school and residential areas
- Look for clues-such as safety patrols, crossing guards, bicycles, and playgrounds-that indicate children might be in the area
- Watch for children between parked cars and other objects
School buses are like traffic signals:
- When overhead lights are flashing yellow: Prepare to stop
- When overhead lights are flashing red: Stop
- When hazard warning lights are flashing: Proceed with caution
School bus safety tips for students:
- Always stay in sight of the bus driver
- Don't hurry off the bus; check traffic first
- Don't go back to the bus after exiting
Please feel free to call my office at 646-7655 or the transportation department at 646-5981 with any questions, suggestions or concerns. I look forward to a great 2024-25 school year!