Superintendent's Article

Citizens have the opportunity to have their voice heard by voting in the upcoming election. Not only are national and state-level offices on the November 5 ballot, so are local ones. In fact, three candidates are running for seats on the Marcellus Community Schools’ Board of Education. Those candidates include incumbent Vicki Welburn-Essex, Matt Asmus, and Emily Good. Current board members Sarah Engstrom and Laura Schug are not running for re-election. Don’t forget to vote on November 5!
Voting is important, but there are also other avenues by which parents/guardians can get involved in their child’s education. Some suggestions are below.
Participate in Parent-Teacher Conferences: Conferences are a great opportunity to review and discuss your child’s progress. They also provide time to collaborate with teachers on how to support learning at home. Parent-Teacher Conferences are slated for November 7, from noon to 3:00pm. and from 4:30 to 7:30pm.
Join a School committee. Participating in a school committee is an excellent way to be engaged and contribute to decision-making. For more information about school improvement, wellness, and booster committees, please contact your child’s building principal.
Volunteer at School Events. Whether it’s helping during field trips, assisting in the classroom, chaperoning dances, or organizing school events like Santa Express or book fairs, volunteering is a hands-on way to stay involved.
Support Extracurricular Activities. Attend athletic events, band concerts, musical performances, and plays. Encouraging your child and their peers shows them you care about their interests outside of academics.
Communicate with Teachers. Reach out to your child’s teacher for regular check-ins. Communication through email, phone, or in-person will help parents stay informed and involved in their child’s education. Parents are encouraged to get access to and periodically review the online Powerschool parent portal. For questions about accessing the parent portal, contact the respective school office.
Upcoming Dates to Note:
October 8 - Early Dismissal 1/2 Day (Curriculum)
October 11- Homecoming
November 1- First Marking Period Ends
November 7 - 1/2 day, Parent-Teacher Conferences
November 8- No School for Students, Professional Development