Superintendent's Article
The Marcellus FFA was recently awarded a Michigan FFA Foundation Glassbrook Grant. Teacher and FFA Advisor Abby Asmus applied for and won $1,768 to support her Fishing in the Classroom project.
The Glassbrook Endowment seeks to provide every Michigan citizen a basic understanding of the food, fiber and natural resources segment of our economy. In addition to training youth for jobs, the endowment enhances the academic preparation of every student by providing educational experiences related to leadership development, problem solving, and decision making.
Mrs. Asmus and her students are excited to engage in the hands-on project where students will design and build fishing poles. The Fish project is connected to her current Salmon in the Classroom project where students hope to raise Chinook salmon - from eggs to smolt - then release them in the spring. The Salmon in the Classroom program is run by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
Congratulations to Mrs. Asmus and her agriscience students!
Upcoming Dates to Note:
February 12- Pre-Festival Band Concert, 7:00pm
February 20- Parent- Teacher Conferences
February 21- No school for students- Professional Development
February 24- No school for students