•PSAT and SAT testing is coming up in April. It is important for students to utilize Khan Academy and College Board
for testing preparation. Teachers are preparing students for testing in the classroom, and students are encouraged to
utilize these resources outside of school. If your student is unable to log into College Board or has forgotten their
username and password, please call 866-315-6068.
•Thank you to those who attended our Family and Student Information Night. If your sophomore or junior is
interested in taking dual enrollment classes or attending Van Buren Tech next school year, they need to speak with
Miss Newell. Students must meet the GPA requirements, be on track to graduate, and have good attendance to be
College Visit Days
A number of colleges have set up times for Seniors to visit and meet with an Admissions Advisor, tour the campus, and in some instances hear from current students at their colleges. Check out college web pages for more information.
Stay tuned for MHS college visits...
Virtual College Visits
County Resource Guides
Counselor Facebook
SEL Learning Resources for Parents and Students
Social and Emotional Learning Resources for Children
Mechanism | Source | Overview | Resource |
Video | Dr. Bruce Perry | Brief overview of brain development and its influence on children’s social and emotional development | Brain Regulation and Development |
Book and Video | Kristin Souers | Ensure that a challenging childhood experience leads to healing and learning | Fostering Resilient Learners |
Website/handouts | U of M TRAILS | Resources to support student mental health during school closures | Trails to Wellness |
Website | New Hope Center for Grief Support | Grief resources |
Website | National Association of School Psychologists | How to Create a Sense of Calm in Uncertain Times | Maintaining Your Emotional Immunity During Covid-19 |
Social and Emotional Learning Resources for Adults
Mechanism | Source | Overview | Resource |
Video | Midwest PBIS Network | Depicts how caring adults absorb the distress of the child and how they need to actively refuel their emotional reserves | Side Effects |
Assessment |
Midwest PBIS Network |
Compassion, satisfaction, and fatigue | Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL) |
Assessment |
Midwest PBIS Network |
Self-care | Self-Care Assessment |
Document |
Midwest PBIS Network |
Self-care plan and schedule | Self-Care Plan and Schedule |
Online Module |
Michigan Virtual | SEL and Creating a Professional Culture: emphasizes the need for adult self-care | Social-Emotional Learning: Creating a Professional Culture Based on SEL |
Career Information
Xello Sign In Link for Students
Xello helps middle and high school students become future ready. It is a free-tool for students to use in 7th through 12th grade. Students complete interactive career, personlaity and learning style assesssments to help them better understand their unique interests, skills and strengths. Xello encourages reflection, helping students connect who they are with relevant career options.
Occupational Outlook Handbook The U.S. Government's premier source of career guidance featuring hundreds of occupations with national and local statistics.
Michigan's Hot 50 through 2026 This publication highlights Michigan's high-demand, high wage careers that show a favorable mix of long-term job growth, projected annual job openings and median wages through 2026.

Beyond High School
What's Next?
A Guide For Students and Parents of Marcellus Community Schools