Superintendent's Article

Marcellus Community Schools’ mission is to provide a challenging curriculum, a safe learning environment and a competent, dedicated staff necessary for our students to become lifelong learners and productive community members. In support of that mission, students will not have school on February 21 so that instructional staff can participate in professional learning.
February 21 professional development activities will focus on artificial intelligence (AI). Faculty and staff will learn about classic and emerging AI tools and their ethical implementation in schools. Generative AI tools, including those used for assessment, prompting, and tutoring, reflection, and feedback will be examined throughout the professional learning day. In addition, academic honesty and evaluation of AI tools for their use in education will be covered.
In other news, Marcellus Community Schools will host parent-teacher conferences on February 20, from noon to 3:30 and from 4:30- 7:30pm. Parents and guardians are encouraged to attend and to log on to the parent viewer to monitor student progress.
There is no school for students on February 24. Please note that this scheduled student day off may be used to make up a snow day, if needed. As of this writing, Marcellus Community Schools has closed for inclement weather on five occasions. The district is permitted six “forgiven” days for emergency closings. In the unfortunate event that we must close school on two additional days before February 24, the district may use the scheduled day off as a make up day so that an additional school day need not be added to the end of the school year. Should additional closures occur after February 24, the district will solicit a waiver from the Michigan Department of Education requesting additional forgiveness days.
Finally, homecoming is scheduled for February 14 and the Wildcats will face off against the Bangor Vikings. Please come out to support your Wildcats!
Upcoming Dates to Note:
February 7 & 8- High School Solo & Ensemble
February 12- Pre-festival Band Concert, 7:00p.m.
February 14- Homecoming
February 20- Parent-Teacher Conferences, ½ day of school for students
February 21- Professional Development, no school for students
February 24- No school for students
February 27 & 28- MSBOA Band Festival