Superintendent Article

Marcellus Community Schools values the involvement of parents and community members in supporting educational and extracurricular activities. The contributions of our booster groups cannot be overstated and their work is deeply appreciated!
The Marcellus Athletic Boosters works diligently to raise funds used to support our athletic programs and student athletes. Members can be seen working in the concession stands and facilitating fund raising events, including an annual golf outing. Their behind-the-scenes work requires much time and effort and ensures that our student athletes have access to quality programs. I appreciate the countless volunteer hours the boosters dedicate to ensuring Wildcat athletes have the resources they need.
Marcellus Community Schools is also thankful to our faithful athletic game announcers. Kay McAdam announces at home Wildcat basketball games and Dennis Small at football games and the Marcellus Wrestling Tournament. The two volunteers are amazing contributors to our athletic programs!
The Marcellus Band Boosters are another group of dedicated volunteers focused on ensuring a quality band program. Among many other functions, this group raises funds for band activities, provides meals for band students, helps with competitions, and provides general support for the band’s success. The group’s fund raising efforts support activities such as the marching band’s Walt Disney trips. The group also contributed greatly to the purchase of new marching band uniforms. Thanks to the boosters’ generosity and commitment, our band students are able to shine, whether they’re performing at a Friday night football game, competing in festivals, or showcasing their talents in concerts. Band Boosters include Monica Deer, Teri Evans, Sarah Engstrom, Henry Essex, Vicki Essex, Megan Hurley, Joy Kozik, Kay McAdam, Michelle Schuur, Heather Shenfeld, and Jennifer Tooley.
Upcoming Dates to Note:
February 7 & 8- High School Solo & Ensemble
February 12- Pre-festival Band Concert, 7:00p.m.
February 14- Homecoming
February 20- Parent-Teacher Conferences, ½ day of school for students
February 21- Professional Development, no school for students
February 24- No school for students
February 27 & 28- MSBOA Band Festival