Superintendent's Article

On January 13, the Marcellus Community School’s Board of Education held its annual reorganizational meeting. Newly elected members Matt Asmus and Emily Good were welcomed and participated in the first school board meeting of the calendar year.
Included on the board agenda were officer elections. Joe Tone and Ed Asmus were reelected president and vice-president, respectively. Nicki Hackenberg was reelected secretary, while Vicki Essex was named Treasurer. Committee assignments were also made as follows:
Boards Affairs- Emily Good, Matt Asmus, and Joe Tone
Finance/ Personnel- Joe Tone, Ed Asmus, and Nicki Hackenberg
Facilities- Justin Ware, Joe Tone and Vicki Essex
Athletic Council- Vicki Essex and Matt Asmus
Berrien/Cass School Board Association - Ed Asmus
January is School Board Appreciation Month and Superintendent Pauley recognized and thanked the hardworking and dedicated Marcellus Community Schools Board members. Our local school board does some of the most important work of our community—that of educating our youth. The school board establishes a vision for the education program, provides a structure to achieve that vision, and strongly advocates for continuous improvement in student learning. These citizen volunteers work many hours and make personal sacrifices all in an effort to lead our district. The members of our Marcellus Community School Board of Education are committed to keeping our school district strong and to providing the best education for youth.
Please join me in saluting the men and women who provide grassroots governance of public schools.
Upcoming dates to Note:
February 12- Pre-Festival Band Concert (grades 7-12), 7:00 p.m.
February 14- Homecoming
February 20- Parent Teacher Conferences from noon- 3:00 p.m. and 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
February 21- No school for students- Professional Development
February 24- No school
February 27 & 28- Band Festival in St. Joseph