Marcellus Elementary News & Newsletters

March 1, 2024
Message from our District Nurse

If you have a child that is going to require medication, be given during the school day please contact our nurse, Ms. Smith regarding our policy and medication authorization form.
Handwashing (sanitizer) is the Number 1 way to prevent the spread of infection.
Remind your child that when they need to cough to cough into their elbow.

January 11, 2024
Message from our District Nurse

Handwashing (sanitizer) is the Number 1 way to prevent the spread of infection.

Students must be fever and vomit free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school.

October 5, 2023
Important Information for October 2023

Early Dismissal: Students will be dismissed at 11:07 am on Tuesday, October 10th.

End of Marking Period: The end of the 1st marking period is on Friday, October 27th.

Halloween Festivities:  Our plan is to have our Halloween Parade on Tuesday, October 31st along with the classroom Halloween Parties and a carnival in the morning.

Upcoming Events:

November 2nd: Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 3rd: No School for Students
