"Where Students Are First!"

Marcellus Elementary School’s mission is to engage children in meaningful, interesting instruction so that they become caring, responsible, responsible, respectful, self-motivated learners through a partnership with staff, families and community.

Marcellus Elementary School 301 West Arbor Street Marcellus, MI 49067 Phone: (269) 646-9209 Fax: (269) 646-5014

Wildcat News

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Note from our Principal

Hello Marcellus Families, 

March is Reading Month. We are trying something a little different this year by trying a book bingo. Each week students who complete a bingo will turn their cards into their teachers on Fridays (no exceptions) for a special treat from Mrs. B and the staff. 

We are going to hold a Family Literacy Night on Thursday, March 20th from 5:30-7:00pm at Marcellus Elementary. Please see the flyer that will be coming home later this week/early next week. We will have dinner for the families who RSVP using the QR code on the literacy night flyer (if you need to call the office to RSVP please feel free to do so at 269-646-9209). The event will contain read aloud, escape rooms, reading with your child, and dinner. One gift card will be raffled in each grade level for the parents that have students complete 5 out of the 6 activities.  

The drawing for the gift cards will be on Friday, March 21st. If your name is pulled for your child’s grade level Mrs. B will call you to let you know. 

Our Spring Break is right around the corner. We will not have school from March 28th through April 4th. Students and staff will return on Monday, April 7th.  

Thank you to each family that attended our February parent/teacher conferences and supported our annual book fair. We truly appreciate the volunteers and support to make our book fair happen and be successful. 


Mrs. B

Marcellus Elementary School

301 West Arbor Street
Marcellus, MI 49067

School Hours: 7:47am – 2:56pm
Half Day Dismissal: 11:07am

Mrs. Sarah Bischoff
Mrs. Tonya Jansen
Administration Assistant

Message from our District Nurse

If you have a child that is going to require medication, be given during the school day please contact our nurse, Ms. Smith regarding our policy and medication authorization form.

Handwashing (sanitizer) is the #1 way to prevent the spread of infection.

Remind your child that when they need to cough to cough into their elbow.

Upcoming Events

Marcellus Community Schools follows the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 in the administration of this website.  Please contact the Website Administrator with any concerns regarding ADA compliance or otherwise.  They can also be reached at 305 W. Arbor St. Marcellus, MI 49067 as well as (269) 646-7655.