"Where Students Are First!"

Marcellus Elementary School’s mission is to engage children in meaningful, interesting instruction so that they become caring, responsible, responsible, respectful, self-motivated learners through a partnership with staff, families and community.

Marcellus Elementary School 301 West Arbor Street Marcellus, MI 49067 Phone: (269) 646-9209 Fax: (269) 646-5014

Wildcat News

Note from our Principal

Hello Marcellus Families, 

Attendance is a crucial part of your child’s education. Please ensure that appointments are made after school hours when possible. 

We have a very busy month ahead of us. Wednesday, February 12th is Count Day and Valentine’s Day Parties. Make sure to call the office if your child must be absent this day at 269-646-9209. 

Teachers are sharing out links so that you can sign up for an in-person parent-teacher conference. Conferences are extremely important and give the teacher and you an opportunity to meet one on one about your child’s successes and struggles. 

Our students will have the opportunity to purchase items from our annual book fair. Each class will be able to walk through the Book Fair on Monday, February 17th and then shop on either the 18th or 19th (please watch for which day your child’s class will shop the week of the 17th). Our book fair will be open during conferences so parents or special adults can shop as well. 

Just a friendly reminder that students will be released early on Thursday, February 20th and will not return to school until Tuesday, February 25th for mid-winter break. IF we go over our allotted 6 snow days Monday, February 24th could be used as a make up day. 


Mrs. B

Marcellus Elementary School

301 West Arbor Street
Marcellus, MI 49067

School Hours: 7:47am – 2:56pm
Half Day Dismissal: 11:07am

Mrs. Sarah Bischoff
Mrs. Tonya Jansen
Administration Assistant

Message from our District Nurse

If you have a child that is going to require medication be given during the school day please contact our nurse, Ms. Smith regarding our policy and medication authorization form.  Handwashing is the Number 1 way to prevent the spread of infection.

Upcoming Events

Marcellus Community Schools follows the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 in the administration of this website.  Please contact the Website Administrator with any concerns regarding ADA compliance or otherwise.  They can also be reached at 305 W. Arbor St. Marcellus, MI 49067 as well as (269) 646-7655.