Marcellus Community Schools Transportation Department
13125 M-40
Marcellus, Michigan 49067
Phone: 269-646-5981
Fax: 269-646-2700
Facilities Director:
David Vanderbosch
Marcellus Community Schools is looking for a School Bus Driver!
If you enjoy interacting with children and making a positive impact, driving a school bus offers an opportunity to be an essential part of students' lives, contributing to their safety and well-being on their way to and from school.
This position is part-time, allowing the driver to have summers, holidays and most weekends off.
$500.00 sign on bonus (paid after probationary period)
CDL B license with Air brake, P and S endorsements are required. Marcellus will train and pay for the license if you do not have it.
Call 269-646-5981 for more details. Ask for Dave or Brittney!
Bus Routes & Bus Stops
Bus stops and bus routes are established on the basis of safety and efficiency. The district reserves the right to change stops and routes when necessary. Bus routes are planned to provide for the maximum number of students at each pickup point with a minimum number of “turnarounds” and “backtracking” for each bus. With that in mind, when students are not at their stop and have not called to notify the transportation office of their absence, it can add unnecessary “turn-arounds” and “back-tracking” that we try very hard to avoid. If students are not at their stops and do not call to notify the transportation office of their absence three (3) consecutive days in a row, the bus will no longer come to that stop until the parent/guardian of the students call to request pick up. Students that are frequently absent from their stops may be asked to call the transportation office if they are going to ride the bus that day depending on the situation. The following information is offered to help make student transportation safe and successful.
- Bus stops are chosen with care and are based on several important factors as well as the State of Michigan guidelines. Bus stops must avoid as much traffic as possible. Examples of possible problems include stops on a hill or before or after a curve.
- Students should arrive at their bus stop five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled arrival of the bus. This will allow time to catch the bus. PARENTS AND GUARDIANS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY AND CONDUCT OF THEIR CHILDREN WHILE GOING TO AND FROM THE BUS STOP AND WAITING FOR THE SCHOOL BUS.
- While waiting for the bus, students should stay off the street or road. Students must stay back at least fifteen (15) feet to allow the bus to safely enter the loading zone. Students should line up in a single file line to board the bus. Students should never run alongside a departing bus.
- Students should cross the street at least ten (10) feet in front of the school bus and only after the driver has signaled to the student that it is all right to do so. Riders will receive instructions on proper crossing procedure from the bus driver. Students must never cross the street behind a school bus.
- Once students board a bus, they must remain on that bus until they reach their final destination. The only exceptions are regularly scheduled shuttle buses between schools.
Parent cooperation is required to make sure students ride their assigned bus. This ensures that the District knows exactly who is on a bus, that a student can be located in an emergency, that overcrowding is controlled, and that other possible problems can be prevented.
Procedures for Changing Buses
Students will not be allowed to ride home with other students. The only exception is if students rides the same bus. They may get on and off at each other’s stops. Changes to a student’s regularly scheduled transportation should be made before school with a written authorization from the parent/guardian. Parent/Guardians shall also call the bus garage with changes. 269-646-5981.
Bus Driver Responsibilities
- Provide safe transportation to the students. Assign seats as necessary.
- Know the bus regulations and provide for student safety and security in accordance with the rules.
- Teach students the rules for safe riding and enforce these rules in an equitable manner.
- Establish proper rapport with students and building administrators, and work to ensure proper conduct and communications.
- Advise the Transportation Supervisor of any student behavior issues.
- Keep to the scheduled route and time each day. Notify the Transportation Department (who will, in turn, notify the school office) if the bus will be late in arriving.
- Pick up and drop off students only at their designated stops, except with written permission to do otherwise.
- Provide for school bus emergency evacuation drills on a regular basis.
- Assist in making direct contact with parents/guardians and make a disciplinary referral in the event of inappropriate behavior by the student.
- Not leave the bus unattended. Check the bus by walking front to back to make certain it is empty after completion of every route.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
- Accept joint responsibility with school authorities for proper conduct of their children when riding the bus. Discuss with their children appropriate bus stop/bus rider behavior. Review and discuss bus safety rules with their children.
- Make certain their children arrive at the bus stop on time in the morning…five minutes prior to the scheduled pickup time.
- Provide necessary supervision and/or protection of their children while going to and from the bus stop and be responsible for them until the bus arrives. Students in Pre-school and GSRP MUST have a parent or guardian waiting at the stop for the child at drop off. Students in Kindergarten through 2nd Grade MUST have a parent or guardian waiting and/or visible for drop off.
- Work with school personnel to reinforce appropriate behavior whenever necessary.
- Provide alternate transportation for their children if suspended from the bus.
- Ensure that payment is made for damages resulting from vandalism to the bus.
- Restrict the size of objects that may be transported. Objects are limited to items that can be safely held by a student in a bus seat. Skateboards, pets, and unauthorized substances are not allowed on the bus.
- Support emergency evacuation and early dismissal plans as established by the school district. Teach and remind children of the family’s emergency plan if they arrive home early and no one is there to meet them.
Rules of Conduct for Students
Student Responsibilities
- Realize that riding a school bus is a privilege. Exercise appropriate behavior on the bus at all times.
- Show proper respect for the rights, safety, and comfort of others on the bus. Students should keep their hands to themselves.
- Be at the bus stop five (5) minutes before the scheduled pickup time. Stay off the roadways by at least ten (15) feet while waiting for the bus. Buses cannot wait for tardy students. Fighting, pushing, shoving, and other inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
- Cross (10) feet in frontof the bus when necessary, and only after the driver has signaled that it is all right to do so. Never run behind or in front of a school bus.
- Remain seated while the bus is in motion. When the bus comes to a stop, keep your hands, feet, and other objects out of the aisle so that others can exit safely. The emergency door is to be kept free and available at all times.
- Open windows only with permission. Nothing may be extended out of a bus window, and students are not to shout at other vehicles or persons.
- The bus driver is the sole authority on the bus. Follow the bus driver’s instructions the first time they are given. No profane, abusive, or vulgar language, gestures, bullying, or threats will be tolerated.
- Remember that eating food, candy, gum, and drinking liquids is not allowed. Also smoking, possessing illegal substances, paraphernalia, lighters, matches, vapes, obscene materials, etc. are not allowed on the bus. Help us keep your bus clean.
- Do not bring unsafe items onto the bus. Animals, skateboards, pocket knives, and the like may not be transported on a bus.
- Realize that any driver distraction is potentially hazardous to the safety of all passengers.
- Report any damage of the bus to the driver. Intentional damage to a bus will result in disciplinary consequences including restitution.
Disciplinary Action
Before the first official offense, verbal warning will be issued from driver.
First Offense: Written discipline report from driver sent home with student requiring a signature from the parent and/or parents will receive a phone call from the Transportation Office.
Second offense: Written discipline report sent home and 3 days suspension from bus riding privileges.
Third offense: Written discipline report sent home and 6 days suspension from bus riding privileges.
Fourth Offense: Riders will be off the bus for the remainder of the academic year.
Serious offenses: Fire (smoking, vaping, lighting lighters or matches, etc), Fighting, Possession of alcohol, drugs, etc., and causing damage to the bus is at the discretion of the Transportation Director to the length of suspension for bus riding privileges.
School Closings & Delays
In Marcellus, on potentially hazardous days, we start checking the roads at approximately 3:00am. We stay in contact with the Cass County Road Commission, local police agencies, and surrounding school districts. Once all the necessary data is collected, a decision will be made to close, delay, or continue the school day as scheduled.
If the decision is made to close or delay school, the superintendent and staff begin contacting the media and local radio stations to inform parents of the cancelation. If you would like an alert, go to to sign up for text message alerts when Marcellus Community Schools close or have a delay. Parents with accurate phone numbers on file with the school office will receive an automated phone call in the event of a closing or delay. Below is a list of TV stations that will post closings and delays.
- Fox 28
- Wood TV 8
- WNDU channel 16
- WSBT channel 22
- WWMT channel3
- ABC 57
- School Facebook page
National Bus Driver Appreciation Day 2023
Left to right: Mrs. Renee, Ms. Sarah, ,Mrs. Joann, Mrs Tammy, Ms Jane, Mrs Faith, Mr. Andy. (Not pictured Mr. Jeremy)
Our bus drivers do an amazing job transporting our students safely to and from school. For their dedication and commitment to our school community we are abundantly thankful for each and every one of them.