Course Catalog
Marcellus Middle School Course Description Guide
2024-2025 Academic Year
English 6 In this course students will develop strength in reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing skills. They will increase their ability to analyze and synthesize information, increase reading ability and become a more proficient writer.
English 7 In this differentiated literature and language program students will study short stories, classical mythology, nonfiction, drama, and poetry. Students will complete a separate vocabulary program, complete assorted creative and expository writings, respond to prompts, and maintain a journal. In addition, students will investigate the parts of speech and the parts of the sentence.
English 8 Students will work in all strands of English/language arts curriculum: reading, writing, grammar conventions, listening, speaking and viewing. Students will actively participate in a wide assortment of genres of literature, grammar and usage conventions, vocabulary development and formal/informal forms of writing. Strategic use of films and videos will also enrich cultural and media literacy.
Math 6 Students will shift their focus from whole numbers to integers and rational numbers. This will be the foundation for the algebra expectations. Topics will include ratios and rates to solve problems, working with rational numbers, and including negative numbers and division of fractions.
Math 7 This course is designed to help students improve their computational and problem solving skills. Topics studied in this course will fall into the categories of the number system, ratios & proportional relationships, expressions & equations, geometry, and statistics & probability.
Pre-Algebra Students will gain an understanding of the number system, expressions and equations, geometry skills, statistics and probability, arithmetic with polynomials, creating equations, and reasoning with equations
Algebra The course emphasizes algebraic language, structure, concepts and skills. Major topics include algebraic properties and the real number system with an emphasis on the application of basic operations, functions and their graphs, linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations, linear regression and modeling, systems of linear equations and inequalities, polynomial and factoring, algebraic fractions and real world applications.
Science 6 Sixth grade science is an integrated science course. The course is guided by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Students will learn science in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics and earth science. The course consists of the following six units (adapted from Standord’s middle school NGSS curriculum): Introduction to Group Work, Exploring Earth, Exploring Life, Understanding Matter, Understanding Energy, and Electricity and Magnetism. Students may participate in group activities, group projects, individual projects, note taking, writing and carrying out experiments and arguing from evidence.
Science 7 Seventh grade science is an integrated science course. The course is guided by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Students will learn science in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics and earth science. The course consists of the following six units (adapted from Standord’s middle school NGSS curriculum): Introduction to Group Work, Setting Things in Motion, Extreme Living, Nature vs Nurture, Adapt or Die, and Mimicking Nature’s Design Students may participate in group activities, group projects, individual projects, note taking, writing and carrying out experiments and arguing from evidence.
Science 8 Eighth grade science is an integrated science course. The course is guided by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Students will learn science in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics and earth science. The course consists of the following six units (adapted from Standord’s middle school NGSS curriculum): Introduction to Group Work, Colossal Collisions, A Balanced Biosphere, Matter Matters, Save the Andes, and Using Engineering and Technology to Sustain our World. Students may participate in group activities, group projects, individual projects, note taking, writing and carrying out experiments and arguing from evidence.
Social Studies 6 This course explores the geography of the world. World regions are explored using the five themes of geography: location, region, place, human environment interaction, and movement. The students learn about the physical and political features, government, economic growth, and diverse cultures of these regions.
Social Studies 7 This course covers the beginnings of human civilization. Students will examine several ancient civilizations including Babylon, Egypt, Sumer, Greece, Rome, China, and Medieval Europe. Students will learn the origins and spread of Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. Focus will be applied to the development of technology, ideas, education, trade, agriculture, and the everyday lives of the people who lived during the various times.
Social Studies 8 Students will gain an understanding of the history of the early United States through Industrialism. Students will learn how the events and politics of this time changed the course of U.S. history to the current day.
Astronomy This elective course will include a study of Astronomy (including planetary modiums, constellations, and laws), and basic geosciences, including weather, geology, oceans, topographic maps, and basic ecology.
Composition This course provides extra experience in writing for various audiences and purposes. Students will work to improve their written expression through the study of organizational elements, details, word choice, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation instruction. By the end of the course students should be able to write multi-paragraph pieces that may be in the form of research papers, essays, stories, descriptions, dialogue, letters, narrative of personal experiences, summaries, and other writing formats. Literature, news articles, and magazine articles may be used to stimulate the students’ imagination, focus attention, and to prompt writing activities. Students will conduct a short research project as part of the course.
Composition/Great BooksThis course will explore timeless literary works that have shaped cultures, societies, and ideas across the globe. By reading classic novels, plays, poems, and essays, students will engage with thought-provoking themes, complex characters, and profound moral questions. Throughout the course, students will analyze these texts through in-depth discussions, develop critical thinking skills, and learn to appreciate diverse perspectives. Paired with the reading, students will enhance their writing abilities by crafting various compositions, such as literary analyses, persuasive essays, creative pieces, and reflective responses. They will also focus on building strong thesis statements, organizing arguments, and mastering grammar and style.
Human Growth and Development The Middle School Health curriculum promotes an understanding of sound mental/emotional, physical, and social well-being, and provides instruction that is aimed to help our students live a healthy lifestyle. The program’s learning experiences are designed to give the student’s an understanding of the different body systems, along with providing them with the knowledge to make healthy nutritional choices. The program also explores how to react in emergency situations.
Health The Middle School Health curriculum promotes an understanding of sound mental/emotional, physical, and social well-being, and provides instruction that is aimed to help our students live a healthy lifestyle. The program’s learning experiences are designed to give the student’s an understanding of the different body systems, along with providing them with the knowledge to make healthy nutritional choices. The program also explores how to react in emergency situations.
Life Skills This class is designed to equip middle school students with essential skills that promote personal growth, responsible decision-making, and effective communication. This course covers a wide range of practical topics that will help students navigate the challenges of adolescence and prepare for their future roles in society. Practical life skills, like managing personal finances, basic cooking, and basic sewing, will be taught to ensure students can function responsibly in everyday life.
Math ApplicationsThe Math Applications class is designed to show students how mathematical concepts apply to real-world situations and practical problem-solving. In this course, students will explore math beyond the textbook, focusing on how it connects to everyday life, technology, science, engineering, and other fields. This hands-on, project-based class encourages students to see the relevance of math in various careers and everyday activities, fostering a deeper appreciation for the subject.
PBL Explorers This class is an innovative, hands-on course designed to engage students in real-world challenges through collaborative, inquiry-based projects. In this class, students will take on interdisciplinary projects that require them to apply knowledge and skills from various subjects. Projects are assigned that will begin with a driving question or challenge that sparks curiosity and encourages students to investigate solutions. Working in teams, students will research, problem-solve, and create products or presentations that reflect their learning. Along the way, they will develop critical 21st-century skills such as collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking.
Physical Education The Middle School Health curriculum promotes an understanding of sound mental/emotional, physical, and social well-being, and provides instruction that is aimed to help our students live a healthy lifestyle. Discussions include peer recognition of potential issues, and how to access support services. Communicable and non-communicable diseases are also discussed. The students receive instruction on the importance of developing healthy eating habits and discuss decision-making skills that foster wellness.
Band 6 6th grade band is an introductory class where students will study all facets of instrumental music, including rhythmic and tonal studies, genre, style, interpretation, intonation and tone quality.
Band 7&8 Middle School Concert Band is open to instrumentalists in grades seven and eight who want to further their study of instrumental music. In band, students will be studying all facets of instrumental music, including rhythmic and tonal studies, genre, style, interpretation, intonation and tone quality. This course develops additional skills necessary for students to perform in the High School Band
Drama In this course, students will learn about the basic elements of dramatic arts. Participants in the course will be introduced to the format of play writing and concepts. Short performances, both in a small group and class format, will be done in the course. Students will hone skills they utilized in this class to develop their public speaking and presentation skills.
Computers In this engaging middle school computer science course, students will explore the fundamentals of computing through a mix of hands-on activities, collaborative projects, and creative problem-solving. The curriculum covers key topics such as: computer basics, coding fundamentals, digital citizenship, web design, multimedia projects. Throughout the course, students will work on individual and group projects, fostering collaboration and critical thinking. By the end, they will have a foundational understanding of computer science and the skills to navigate an increasingly digital world.
Great Books/Writing Lab Students will analyze several classic novels covering various genres. Additionally, students will learn basic terminology in order to analyze and discuss the novels. Students will hone their reading skills by engaging in classical and current texts. They will also continue to improve their written skills by writing about concepts discussed in the course. Presentations and assignments associated with reading material will be required. Students may analyze the same work in both the written and audiovisual medium.
Current Events This course introduces students to various issues facing the world today. Students will explore global economic systems, human rights, world health, environmental issues, and the role of the United States and the United Nations in a changing world. This class is designed to eliminate much of the confusion surrounding these issues and allow students to form their own opinions on matters that affect their world. Students will evaluate the issues and propose solutions from a variety of perspectives.
Art Middle school art classes stress problem-solving skills and using one’s mind to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate art. Students are introduced to art production, art history of many cultures, art criticism, and aesthetics. Major areas to be studied include painting, drawing, sculpture, textile design, printmaking and ceramics.
Introduction to Music Theory Designed for students who seek to enrich their knowledge of the fundamentals of music. Students will gain an understanding of how elements of music interact to create musical style and effect, students will better appreciate how music is brought to life and its ability to communicate to others.
Introduction to Agriculture This course gives students a background in natural resources and related career opportunities. It addresses the biological and environmental issues within our state, the history of natural resources, soils, water conservation as well as forestry. In the wildlife section, student experience will involve ecological principles, habitat management, domestic animal life histories, animal anatomy, animal production, fish and wildlife values, and their effects on the environment. Students will gain reinforcement learning on science standards.
Virtual Courses
Keyboarding Enrichment This course offers both beginner and intermediate levels of typing. Each student will be assigned a level according to age. In order to receive credit for this class, the lessons of the regular program must be completed by the end of the semester, then the practice and activities continue into one of the eight follow up programs within our keyboarding platform, in addition to the 900+ activities and lessons for students to explore and improve.
World Language This class has a focus in studying one of several foreign language options available through the virtual tools applied in the class of either Rosetta Stone, Rosetta Stone Jr., or Mondly. With the variety of platforms available for the study of world language, a platform could be easily fitted to the needs of the students. Rosetta Stone works through a strategy of immersion in teaching the foreign language, while Mondly approaches the teaching strategy on more of a traditional circular strategy for teaching the language. Both platforms are available for either age group, with Rosetta Stone having a junior platform for the younger participants. Consistent participation and progress is expected for all participants even though a varied pace for each student may exist .
Health and Fitness Through the application of various virtual resources, such as Ed Puzzle and/or BrainPOP, students get to not only learn about several issues surrounding health and fitness, but also engage in an online format with virtual class peers in discussion and blogging of weekly topics, guided by the instructors of the course. The course will also include the completion of an exercise log of outside fitness activity.
Current Events This program features nonfiction articles with quizzes for grades 3rd - 12th. Reading levels can be adjusted within five different levels while keeping the same content. Progress is tracked and recorded. Three new news articles are added daily to their database of thousands. The study of these nonfiction, current event articles is implemented through the virtual tool of Newsela.
Computer Coding I A computer programming course for beginners that teaches the coding in languages used within the professional arena, such as Python, JavaScript and Java, while in a kid-familiar Minecraft and/or Roblox environment that kids enjoy already. Various lessons, activities and program design all occur within age-appropriate environments with online teachers and mentors to coach along.
Computer Coding II An advanced version of coding for our Junior High and High School students. Students are challenged to learn and develop various computer modules through the application of different computer programming languages. The full curriculum is broken down into different courses, intended to be completed from year to year in sequence. Course choices through our virtual course provider, Simply Coding, include Java Script Game Design 1 and 2, Python Multiplayer Adventure, Intro to Java, Android Apps in Java
Music Theory Enrichment This course is a highly effective, yet fun environment for students to develop music theory and practice through engaging activities. The website, Ed Puzzle - Music, contains hundreds of learning games, activities and videos of varying levels, all carefully planned to gain mastery of the elements of music theory, ear training and rhythmic skills in an exciting, challenging environment. In addition to the many activities available through the virtual resources, an online practice record log keeps track of outside music activities that kids participate in.
Essentials of Business A course based on a variety of different virtual resources, including Schoology and/or Courseware, which teaches and encourages students to explore the world of business and publications, at an age appropriate level. A variety of projects, case studies, and activities bring students through different principles of general business and production.
Visual Art II This course, developed more for the older students, focuses on drawing and drawing techniques through the creation of a Marvel character drawing journal. This journal, then, is posted to each student’s electronic portfolio through scanning and digital imagery
Technology Lab Enrichment I This course provides students instruction designed to improve skills through a variety of virtual resources. The skills of the students are intended to be extended and enriched through a variety of different activities, games and projects geared toward the grade level. The course uses the game of chess, coupled with puzzles, lessons, videos and articles to teach students about strategy, tactics and perseverance.
Technology Lab Enrichment IIa Students taking this course will explore a number of topics ranging from organizational skills, cooperative activities, basic culinary arts, and food/diet culture.
Technology Lab Enrichment IIb Students will explore and experiment with several different methods of how things work and fit together. In the investigation side of things, past projects, inventions and other similar technology developments will be researched, inspiring new thinking for everyday objects.
Technology Lab Enrichment IIc Students taking this course will explore the world around us in the name of travel. A number of topics ranging from organizational skills, planning, culture, and highlights of traveling around the world, both geographic and artistic.
Technology Lab Enrichment IId Students will explore things and processes from a non-linear perspective. With exercises and observations of such items and processes, students will explore and develop “out of the box” thinking in approaching problems and solutions.
Technology Lab Enrichment IIe A look at life and how it has changed over the last two centuries, from cabin building to technology, this course allows students to see how things were in the 1800’s and evaluate the change and development into our days now. What are the differences in ideology, construction and even concepts are all considered in the travel across time.
Technology Lab Enrichment IIIa This class explores under the sea through video-based program lessons from the Ed Puzzle environment, that include multiple choice, true/false and open-ended questions built into the video for comprehension. We will explore many creatures like sharks, sea turtles, walruses, and whales plus ocean habitats like coral reefs. Activities and/or worksheets linked for extra learning and assessment follow up for each topic of study. This course is intended for the K through 6th grade audience.
Technology Lab Enrichment IIIb This class explores under the sea through video-based program lessons from the Ed Puzzle environment, that include multiple choice, true/false and open-ended questions built into the video for comprehension. This course extends the study and investigation of the many creatures like sharks, sea turtles, walruses, and whales plus ocean habitats like coral reefs. Activities and/or worksheets linked for extra learning and assessment follow up for each topic of study. This course is intended for the 7th and 8th grade audience.
Technology Lab Enrichment IIIc This class explores the large world of land animals through video-based program lessons from the Ed Puzzle environment, that include multiple choice, true/false and open-ended questions built into the video for comprehension. We will explore the many different families of land animals that roam our earth, including the investigation of their natural habitats. Activities and/or worksheets linked for extra learning and assessment follow up for each topic of study. This course is intended for the K through 6th grade audience.
Technology Lab Enrichment IIId This class takes the prior knowledge of animals, nature and outdoor life and explores lessons and activities through video-based program lessons from the Ed Puzzle environment, that include multiple choice, true/false and open-ended questions built into the video for comprehension. We will explore different outdoor living and survival skills with a nature-based approach on content. Activities and/or worksheets linked for extra learning and assessment follow up for each topic of study. This course is intended for the K through 6th grade audience.
Virtual Edmentum Courses
Math 6 (Apex) (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Math 6 delivers instruction, practice, and review designed to develop computational fluency, deepen conceptual understanding, and apply mathematical practices. Course topics include ratios and rates, fraction and decimal operations, and signed numbers. Students continue to build their algebra skills by plotting points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane and solving equations and inequalities. Geometry topics include area, surface area, and volume, and statistical work features measures of center and variability, box plots, dot plots, and histograms.
Math 7 (Apex) (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Math 7 delivers instruction, practice, and review designed to develop computational fluency, deepen conceptual understanding, and apply mathematical practices. Throughout the course, students gain a deep understanding of proportions and their use in solving problems. They extend their fluency with operations on rational numbers and translate among different forms of rational numbers. Algebra topics include simplifying and rewriting algebraic expressions and solving more complex equations and inequalities. Students also sketch geometric figures and explore scale drawings, investigate circle properties and angle relationships, and deepen their understanding of area, volume, and surface area. They see how statistics uses sample data to make predictions about populations and compare data from different data sets. Students gain a fundamental understanding of probability and explore different ways to find or estimate probabilities.
Math 8 (Apex) (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Math 8 delivers instruction, practice, and review designed to develop computational fluency, deepen conceptual understanding, and apply mathematical practices. In this course, students focus on understanding functions — what they are, how to represent them in different ways, and how to write them to model mathematical and real-world situations. In particular, students investigate linear functions by learning about slope and slope-intercept form. Students' understanding of linear functions is extended to statistics, where they make scatter plots and use linear functions to model data. They solve linear equations and equations involving roots and explore systems of linear equations.
English 06 A/B (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
English 6 delivers instruction, practice, and review designed to build students' communication and reading comprehension skills. Reading comprehension lessons strengthen students' critical analysis skills as they study how nonfiction and literature can be used to share ideas. Writing lessons combine free-response exercises with drafting strategies and exemplars to help students communicate clearly and credibly in narrative, argumentative, and informational styles. To develop skills specific to public discourse, speaking and listening lessons guide students as they evaluate one another's speeches and adjust to new audiences and situations. In language lessons, students build foundational grammar skills they need to articulate their ideas and understand challenging words.
English 07 A/B (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
English 7 delivers instruction, practice, and review designed to build students' communication and reading comprehension skills. Reading comprehension lessons strengthen students' critical analysis skills as they study how nonfiction and literature can be used to share ideas. Writing lessons combine free-response exercises with drafting strategies and exemplars to help students communicate clearly and credibly in narrative, argumentative, and informational styles. To develop skills specific to public discourse, speaking and listening lessons guide students as they evaluate one another's speeches and adjust to new audiences and situations. In language lessons, students build foundational grammar skills they need to articulate their ideas and understand challenging words.
English 08 A/B (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
English 8 delivers instruction, practice, and review designed to build students' communication and reading comprehension skills. Reading comprehension lessons strengthen students' critical analysis skills as they study how nonfiction and literature can be used to share ideas. Writing lessons combine free-response exercises with drafting strategies and exemplars to help students communicate clearly and credibly in narrative, argumentative, and informational styles. To develop skills specific to public discourse, speaking and listening lessons guide students as they evaluate one another's speeches and adjust to new audiences and situations. In language lessons, students build foundational grammar skills they need to articulate their ideas and understand challenging words.
Middle School Earth and Space Science A/B (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Middle School Earth and Space Science delivers instruction, practice, and review to help students develop scientific literacy, deepen conceptual understanding, and apply scientific practices. Students explore concepts including Earth's systems, engineering design, the nature of the universe, and the interaction between humans and the environment. The two-semester course is arranged in themed units, each with two to three lessons. In each unit, activities make complex ideas accessible to students as they discover the nature of science through focused content, interactive mini- investigations, multi-modal representations, and personalized feedback. Each lesson includes a variety of activities such as direct instruction, application of skills, performance tasks, and formative and summative assessments. Students engage with the subject matter in an interactive, feedback-rich environment as they progress through content aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and demonstrate their learning through computer- and teacher-scored assignments.
Middle School Life Science A/B (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Middle School Life Science delivers instruction, practice, and review to help students develop scientific literacy, deepen conceptual understanding, and apply scientific practices. Students explore concepts including the relationship between structure and function, the flow of energy and matter through living systems, heredity, and the diversity of life. The two- semester course is arranged in themed units, each with two to three lessons. In each unit, activities make complex ideas accessible to students as they discover the nature of science through focused content, interactive mini-investigations, multi-modal representations, and personalized feedback. Each lesson includes a variety of activities such as direct instruction, application of skills, performance tasks, and formative and summative assessments. Students engage with the subject matter in an interactive, feedback-rich environment as they progress through content aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and demonstrate their learning through computer- and teacher-scored assignments. This updated course was originally created for Apex Courses and is now available in Courseware.
Middle School Physical Science A/B (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Middle School Physical Science delivers instruction, practice, and review to help students develop scientific literacy, deepen conceptual understanding, and apply scientific practices. Students explore concepts including the interactions of matter; motion and stability; waves and their technological applications; and energy.
Science 6 (Apex) (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Middle School Grade 6 Science delivers instruction, practice, and review to help students develop scientific literacy, deepen conceptual understanding, and apply scientific practices. Students explore concepts such as the flow of energy and matter through both living and nonliving systems, including Earth's systems; Earth's weather and climate; the interaction between humans and the environment; the relationship between structure and function; and growth, development, and reproduction in organisms.
Science 6 with Virtual Labs A/B (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Science 6 with Virtual Labs is an integrated science course based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The content covers all three dimensions incorporated by NGSS: disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts. The course robustly meets NGSS learning standards associated with sixth-grade integrated science (NGSS Appendix K: Revised Conceptual Progressions Model, p. 19). Semester A focuses on basic physical science and earth and space science. Semester B focuses on the history of the Earth, ecosystems, and weather and climate.In this course, students complete teacher-graded labs in the Course Activities and Unit Activities. This version of Science 6 has been designed so that all labs are virtual. Students will still be able to plan and execute investigations through carefully designed simulations and videos. They will also be able to design experimental setups and analyze data and visuals derived from real-world experiments.
Science 7 (Apex) (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Middle School Grade 7 Science delivers instruction, practice, and review to help students develop scientific literacy, deepen conceptual understanding, and apply scientific practices. Students explore concepts such as the structures and properties of matter; chemical reactions; the flow of energy through systems, including Earth's living and nonliving systems; and the history of Earth.
Science 7 with Virtual Labs A/B (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Science 7 with Virtual Labs is an integrated science course based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The content covers all three dimensions incorporated by NGSS: disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts. The course robustly meets NGSS learning standards associated with seventh-grade integrated science (NGSS Appendix K: Revised Conceptual Progressions Model, p. 19). Semester A focuses on cells, the life cycle, and nutrition. Semester B focuses on chemical reactions, force fields, and energy.In this course, students complete teacher-graded labs in the Course Activities and Unit Activities. This version of Science 7 has been designed so that all labs are virtual. Students will still be able to plan and execute investigations through carefully designed simulations and videos. They will also be able to design experimental setups and analyze data and visuals derived from real-world experiments.
Science 8 (Apex) (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Middle School Grade 8 Science delivers instruction, practice, and review to help students develop scientific literacy, deepen conceptual understanding, and apply scientific practices. Students explore concepts such as waves and electromagnetic radiation, energy and forces on Earth and in space, genetics and natural selection, and engineering design.
Science 8 with Virtual Labs A/B (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Science 8 with Virtual Labs is an integrated science course based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The content covers all three dimensions incorporated by NGSS: disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts. The course robustly meets NGSS learning standards associated with eighth-grade integrated science (NGSS Appendix K: Revised Conceptual Progressions Model, p. 19). Semester A focuses on genes, evolution, and the Earth’s energy. Semester B focuses on Earth’s changing climate, waves, and human impact on the Earth.In this course, students complete teacher-graded labs in the Course Activities and Unit Activities. This version of Science 8 has been designed so that all labs are virtual. Students will still be able to plan and execute investigations through carefully designed simulations and videos. They will also be able to design experimental setups and analyze data and visuals derived from real-world experiments.
MS Contemporary World History A/B (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Middle School Contemporary World is informed by the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards and delivers instruction, practice, and review designed to build middle school students' knowledge of contemporary world geography, cultures, civics, and economics. By honing their ability to analyze the physical, social, and political forces that shape our world, students build the depth of knowledge and higher-order thinking skills required to demonstrate their mastery when put to the test.The two-semester course is arranged in themed units, each with three to six lessons. In each unit, activities make complex ideas about the modern world accessible through focused content, guided analysis, multimodal representations, and personalized feedback. Each lesson includes a variety of activities, such as direct instruction, application of skills, performance tasks, and formative and summative assessments. Students engage with the subject matter in an interactive, feedback-rich environment as they progress through standards-aligned content and demonstrate their learning through computer- and teacher-scored assignments.
Michigan World History and Geography A/B (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Michigan high school students taking this course will get a true survey of world history. Beginning with the study of early human societies and the invention of agriculture, this course takes the students on a journey through time, from ancient societies up through the modern era. This course employs many interactive features like maps and images with clickable hotspots that students can explore to get more information about things such as regions, cities, and geographical features on a map and artistic techniques and features in famous works of art. Best of all, this course is aligned to the Michigan state standards of learning and to the English Language Arts (ELA) Standards for History and Social Studies.
Middle School Civics A/B (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Middle School Civics is informed by the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards and delivers instruction, practice, and review designed to build middle school students' understanding of the political and governmental systems of the United States and the roles played by citizens. By honing their ability to analyze civic life, political practices, and government structures, students build the depth of knowledge and higher-order thinking skills required to demonstrate their mastery when put to the test.The two-semester course is arranged in themed units, each with three to five lessons. In each unit, activities make complex ideas about civics accessible through focused content, guided analysis, multi-modal representations, and personalized feedback. Each lesson includes a variety of activities such as direct instruction, application of skills, performance tasks, and formative and summative assessments. Students engage with the subject matter in an interactive, feedback-rich environment as they progress through standards-aligned content and demonstrate their learning through computer- and teacher-scored assignments.
Middle School U.S. History A/B (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Middle School U.S. History is informed by the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards and delivers instruction, practice, and review designed to build middle school students' knowledge of U.S. history, from the people of North America through the era of Reconstruction. By constantly honing their ability to analyze history, students build the depth of knowledge and higher-order thinking skills required to demonstrate their mastery when put to the test. The two-semester course is arranged in themed units, each with three to five lessons. In each unit, activities make complex ideas about U.S. history accessible through focused content, guided analysis, multi- modal representations, and personalized feedback. Each lesson includes a variety of activities such as direct instruction, application of skills, performance tasks, and formative and summative assessments. Students engage with the subject matter in an interactive, feedback-rich environment as they progress through standards-aligned content and demonstrate their learning through computer- and teacher-scored assignments.
Middle School World History A/B (Not available to homeschool/shared time students)
Middle School World History is informed by the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards and delivers instruction, practice, and review designed to build middle school students' knowledge of world history, from the Neolithic Revolution through the Middle Ages. By constantly honing their ability to analyze history, students build the depth of knowledge and higher-order thinking skills required to demonstrate their mastery when put to the test. The two-semester course is arranged in themed units, each with three to five lessons. In each unit, activities make complex ideas about world history accessible through focused content, guided analysis, multi-modal representations, and personalized feedback. Each lesson includes a variety of activities such as direct instruction, application of skills, performance tasks, and formative and summative assessments. Students engage with the subject matter in an interactive, feedback-rich environment as they progress through standards-aligned content and demonstrate their learning through computer- and teacher-scored assignments.
French 1 A/B
In French 1A, they will be introduced to several common situations in which people communicate, such as exchanging names and greetings, describing people by physical and personality traits, and describing family members and aspects of their social life. They will start with basic sentence structures and grammatical tools, and they will communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in French as they internalize new vocabulary and grammar. Students will also learn about some regions of the French-speaking world that the central characters of each unit are visiting. Students will build on this semester's work as they advance in their French studies: everything that they learn about a language and the cultures in which it is spoken will serve as a foundation for further learning.In French 1B, students will be introduced to several common situations in which people describe how to earn, save, and manage money, modes of urban transportation, various seasons and the associated weather conditions, food, clothes, and activities. They will also describe various art forms, plays, concerts, and movies. Students will discuss health and well-being, and travel and tourism. They will build on what they learned in the French 1A course and communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in French as they internalize new vocabulary and grammar. They will also learn about some regions of the French-speaking world that the central characters of each unit are visiting. Students will build on this semester's work as they advance in their French studies: everything that they learn about a language and the cultures in which it is spoken will serve as a foundation for further learning.
French 2 A/B
In French 2A, students will be reintroduced to French in common situations, beginning with describing classes, school friends, teachers, and school supplies. They will discuss different styles of dressing, housing, and neighborhoods, and learn about relationships between family members and friends, students and teachers, and employees and employer. Students will also describe daily personal routines and schedules, household chores, and family responsibilities. Finally, they will discuss different types of cuisine, dining establishments, and dining etiquette. Students will build on what they learned in the French 1B course to communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in French as they internalize new vocabulary and grammar. They will also learn about some regions of the French-speaking world where the central characters of each unit are visiting. Students will build on this semester's work as they advance in their French studies: everything that they learn about a language and the cultures in which it is spoken will serve as a foundation for further learning.In French 2B, students will be reintroduced to French in common situations, beginning with various professions and career plans for the future. They will discuss traveling to different regions and the flora and fauna found in each region and describe different types of trips, including road trips, camping, and ecotourism. Students will also describe different hobbies, activities, and crafts that people enjoy. Finally, they will discuss about different medical specialists, including dentists and veterinarians, and describe symptoms related to illness and injury. Students will build on what they learned in the French 2A course to communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in French as they internalize new vocabulary and grammar. They will also learn about some regions of the French-speaking world where the central characters of each unit are visiting. Students will build on this semester's work as they advance in their French studies: everything that they learn about a language and the cultures in which it is spoken will serve as a foundation for further learning.
German 1 A/B
In German 1A, students will be introduced to several common situations in which people communicate, such as exchanging names and greetings, describing people by physical and personality traits, and describing family members and aspects of their social life. They will start with basic sentence structures and grammatical tools, and they will communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in German as they internalize new vocabulary and grammar. Students will also learn about some regions of the German-speaking world that the central characters of each unit are visiting. They will build on this semester's work as they advance in their German studies: everything that students learn about a language and the cultures in which it is spoken will serve as a foundation for further learning.In German 1B, students will be introduced to several common situations in which people describe how to earn, save, and manage money, modes of urban transportation, various seasons and the associated weather conditions, food, clothes, and activities. They will also describe various art forms, plays, concerts, and movies. Students will discuss health and well- being, and travel and tourism. They will build on what they have learned in the German 1A course to communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in German as they internalize new vocabulary and grammar. They will also learn about some regions of the German-speaking world that the central characters of each unit are visiting. Students will build on this semester's work as they advance in their German studies: everything that they learn about a language and the cultures in which it is spoken will serve as a foundation for further learning.
German 2 A/B
In German 2A, students will be reintroduced to German in common situations, beginning with describing classes, school friends, teachers, and school supplies. They will discuss different styles of dressing, housing and neighborhoods, and learn about relationships between family members and friends, students and teachers, and employees and employer. They will also describe daily personal routines and schedules, household chores, and family responsibilities. Finally, students will discuss different types of cuisine, dining establishments, and dining etiquette. They will build on what they learned in the German 1B course to communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in German as they internalize new vocabulary and grammar. Students will also learn about some regions of the German-speaking world where the central characters of each unit are visiting. Students will build on this semester's work as they advance in their German studies: everything that they learn about a language and the cultures in which it is spoken will serve as a foundation for further learning.In German 2B, students will be reintroduced to German in common situations, beginning with various professions and career plans for the future. They will discuss traveling to various regions and the flora and fauna found in each region and describe types of trips, including road trips, camping, and ecotourism. They will also describe hobbies, activities, and crafts that people enjoy. Finally, students will discuss medical specialists, including dentists and veterinarians, and symptoms related to illness and injury. They will build on what they learned in the German 2A course to communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in German as they internalize new vocabulary and grammar. They will also learn about some regions of the German-speaking world where the central characters of each unit are visiting. Students will build on this semester's work as they advance in their German studies: everything that they learn about a language and the cultures in which it is spoken will serve as a foundation for further learning.
Spanish 1 A/B
In Spanish 1A, students will be introduced to several common situations in which people communicate, such as exchanging names and greetings, describing people by physical and personality traits, and describing family members and aspects of social life. Students will start with basic sentence structures and grammatical tools, and they will learn to communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish as they learn new vocabulary and grammar. They will also learn about some regions of the Spanish-speaking world that the central characters of each unit are visiting.In Spanish 1B, students will be introduced to several common situations in which people describe how to earn, save, and manage money, modes of urban transportation, various seasons and the associated weather conditions, food, clothes, and activities. They will also describe various art forms, plays, concerts, and movies. Students will discuss health and well-being and travel and tourism. They will build on what they learned in the Spanish 1B course to communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish as they internalize new vocabulary and grammar. Students will also learn about some regions of the Spanish-speaking world that the central characters of each unit are visiting. They will build on this semester's work as they advance in their Spanish studies: everything that they learn about a language and the cultures in which it is spoken will serve as a foundation for further learning.
Spanish 2 A/B
In Spanish 2A, students will be reintroduced to Spanish in common situations, beginning with describing classes, school friends, teachers, and school supplies. Students will discuss different styles of dressing, housing, and neighborhoods, and learn about relationships between family members and friends, students and teachers, and employees and employer. They will also describe daily personal routines and schedules, household chores, and family responsibilities. Finally, students will discuss different types of cuisine, dining establishments, and dining etiquette. They will build on what you learned in Spanish 1B to communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish as they internalize new vocabulary and grammar. Students will also learn about some regions of the Spanish-speaking world where the central characters of each unit are visiting. They will build on this semester's work as they advance in their Spanish studies: everything that students learn about a language and the cultures in which it is spoken will serve as a foundation for further learning.In Spanish 2B, students are reintroduced to Spanish in common situations, beginning with various professions and career plans for the future. They will discuss traveling to different regions and the flora and fauna found in each region and describe different types of trips, including road trips, camping, and ecotourism. They will also describe different hobbies, activities, and crafts that people enjoy. Finally, students will discuss about different medical specialists, including dentists and veterinarians, and describe symptoms related to illness and injury. They will build on what they have learned in the Spanish 2A course to communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish as they internalize new vocabulary and grammar. Students will also learn about some regions of the Spanish- speaking world where the central characters of each unit are visiting. They will build on this semester's work as they advance in their Spanish studies: everything that students learn about a language and the cultures in which it is spoken will serve as a foundation for further learning.
Spanish 3 A/B
In Spanish 3A, students will be reintroduced to Spanish in common situations, beginning with various daily routines, describing friends and family, childhood memories and activities, and childhood hopes and aspirations. They will discuss and describe art, such as paintings and sculptures, and literature, such as novels and novellas, and give reactions and form opinions about art and literature. Students will also understand the process of selecting and applying to a university, aspirations at the university, and dealing with leaving home and moving into a dormitory. Further, students will describe university life and expectations from the university experience. They will explore the dynamics and challenges of multiethnic and developing societies, environmental and social issues, causes and possible resolutions, and learning about unfamiliar countries using technology. Finally, they will discuss current events reported in the media, different types of classified and other types of advertisement in the media (both print and online), the sections and supplements of a newspaper or magazine, and various jobs available in the media. Students will build on what they learned in Spanish 2 to communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish as they internalize new vocabulary and grammar. They will also learn about some regions of the Spanish-speaking world where the central characters of each unit are visiting. Students will build on this semester's work as they advance in their Spanish studies: everything that students learn about a language and the cultures in which it is spoken will serve as a foundation for further learning.In Spanish 3B, students will be reintroduced to Spanish in a variety of situations, beginning with multiculturalism, bilingualism, cultural influences on traditions, customs, food, and social experiences, and legends and folklore from different cultures. Students will discuss and describe genres of music, poetry, drama, and short stories, and proverbs from different cultures. They will also explore how geographical features affect the weather, and how the geography and weather affect the clothing, food, and livelihoods of the local population. Students will also understand the history of Venezuela and how the Spanish conquerors and indigenous people shaped the culture of the country, and they will learn about the South American independence movement, including some significant freedom fighters and their struggles to win independence. They will also discuss religions practiced in Argentina, the cultural icons of the country and how they compare to cultural icons from other countries, sports and activities in Argentina, some national symbols, such as the gauchos, and idioms and sayings from Argentina. Finally, students will discuss types of wildlife and natural and agricultural resources found in Costa Rica, the human resources of the country that help overcome economic and natural disasters, and how to write formal and informal letters to share experiences. They will build on what they learned in Spanish 3A to communicate by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish as they internalize new vocabulary and grammar. Students will also learn about some regions of the Spanish-speaking world where the central characters of each unit are visiting. They will build on this semester's work as they advance in their Spanish studies: everything that they learn about a language and the cultures in which it is spoken will serve as a foundation for further learning.
Academic Success
As in other areas of life, success in academics results from learning and practicing positive habits. This one-semester elective provides practical, hands-on guidance on developing and improving study habits and skills, regardless of a student's level of accomplishment. Academic Success includes five lessons and two course activities in a flexible structure that is adaptable to the needs and circumstances of individual students. The course can also be used for college-level developmental education.
Art Appreciation (Apex)
Art Appreciation is a survey of the history of Western visual arts, with a primary focus on painting. Students begin with an introduction to the basic principles of painting and learn how to critique and compare works of art. Students then explore prehistoric and early Greek and Roman art before they move on to the Middle Ages. Emphasis is placed on the Renaissance and the principles and masters that emerged in Italy and northern Europe. Students continue their art tour with the United States during the 20th century, a time of great innovation as abstract art took center stage. While Western art is the course's primary focus, students finish the course by studying artistic traditions from Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas.
Coverage of each artistic movement highlights historical context and introduces students to key artists who represent a variety of geographic locations. Throughout the course, students apply what they have learned about art critique to analyze and evaluate both individual artists and individual works of art.
This course is built to state standards and informed by the Consortium of National Arts Education Associations standards. It encompasses a variety of skills to enable students to critique, compare, and perhaps influence their own works of art.
Art History and Appreciation
This course explores the main concepts of art, expression, and creativity as it helps students answer questions such as what is art; what is creativity; and how and why people respond to art. It covers essential design principles such as emphasis, balance, and unity. Units include: Art, History, and Culture; Western and World Art Appreciation; and Art and the Modern World.
Artificial Intelligence
This one-semester course is focused on the history, applications, and innovations of artificial intelligence. Students will learn about intelligence agents, problem solving using search algorithms, knowledge representation, and reasoning in artificial intelligence. Students will also learn about the basic concepts of machine learning and natural language processing (NLP). Students will also learn about expert systems, computer vision and robotics. This 12-lesson course also covers ethics and safety related to artificial intelligence. Online discussions and course activities require students to develop and apply critical thinking skills, while the included games appeal to a variety of learning styles and keep students engaged.
Creative Writing
Creative Writing is designed to get students to pursue creative writing as a vocation or as a hobby. To that purpose, it exposes them to different genres and techniques of creative writing and the key elements (such as plot and characterization in fiction) in each genre. Great creative writing doesn't come merely by reading about the craft—one also needs ideas; a process for planning, drafting and revising; and the opportunity to experiment with different forms and genres. The lessons in this course familiarize students with the basic structure and elements of different types or genres of writing.
Creative Writing (Apex)
Creative Writing is an English elective course that focuses on the exploration of short fiction and poetry, culminating in a written portfolio that includes one revised short story and three to five polished poems. Students draft, revise, and polish fiction and poetry through writing exercises, developing familiarity with literary terms and facility with the writing process as they study elements of creative writing.
Elements of fiction writing explored in this course include attention to specific detail, observation, character development, setting, plot, and point of view. In the poetry units, students learn about the use of sensory details and imagery, figurative language, and sound devices including rhyme, rhythm, and alliteration. They also explore poetic forms ranging from found poems and slam poetry to traditional sonnets and villanelles. In addition to applying literary craft elements in guided creative writing exercises, students engage in critical reading activities designed to emphasize the writing craft of a diverse group of authors. Students study short stories by authors such as Bharati Mukherjee and Edgar Allan Poe, learning how to create believable characters and develop setting and plot. Likewise, students read poetry by canonical greats such as W. B. Yeats and Emily Dickinson as well as contemporary writers such as Pablo Neruda, Sherman Alexie, and Alice Notley. Studying the writing technique of a range of authors provides students with models and inspiration as they develop their own voices and refine their understanding of the literary craft.
By taking the Creative Writing course, students find new approaches to reading and writing that can affect them on a personal level, as the skills they gain in each lesson directly benefit their own creative goals. Students who are already actively engaged writers and readers learn additional tools and insight into the craft of writing to help them further hone their skills and encourage their creative as well as academic growth.
This course is built to state standards and informed by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) standards.
Digital Citizenship A/B
Digital Citizenship focuses on the foundations of using computers, keyboarding, and being a responsible digital user. Topics include digital safety, computing devices, online communication, and digital wellness. Students will explore digital etiquette, the issue of cyberbullying, and how to use technology and social media positively, safely, legally, and ethically. The course also delves into a computer's hardware and software components and explains how to troubleshoot common issues. It highlights the importance of finding life balance in a digital world. Finally, students practice using word processing software, spreadsheets, and presentation media in efficient and responsible ways. Lesson Activities, Unit Activities, and a Course Activity help students develop and apply durable skills such as intellectual curiosity, resourcefulness, and social media skills. communication, and creativity. A Course Project focuses on helping students develop additional durable skills such as creative problem-solving, brainstorming, and improving social skills. Videos and interactive content included in the lessons keep students engaged and make technical concepts easy to understand. The end-of-semester test helps students reinforce their understanding of key concepts.
Environmental Science A/B
Environmental Science is designed to introduce students to the main concepts of environmental science. It will help students gain knowledge of the natural processes that occur in nature and understand their importance and relevance. Students will also gain awareness of some of the environmental issues and challenges we face in the world today, such as land use and management, wildlife conservation, resource and waste management, and the different kinds of pollution. Finally, students will learn about energy sources and production, sustainable development, and environmental policies.
Exploring Agriculture and Business A/B
Exploring Agriculture Science and Business introduces students to agriculture and its role and impact on society. Students learn about food sources, nutrition, food contamination, and food safety principles. They learn about plant structure, plant reproduction, and growth. They also learn about different species and characteristics of livestock and natural resource management. Students explore career opportunities in agriculture science and agribusiness and the durable skills that can influence success in these careers. Finally, students learn about the tools and technologies used in agriculture science and business. Lesson Activities, Unit Activities, and a Course Activity help students develop and apply durable skills such as organizational skills, professionalism, and constructive feedback. A Course Project focuses on helping students develop additional durable skills such as engaging in research, critical thinking, and ideation. Videos and interactive content included in the lessons keep students engaged and make technical concepts easy to understand. The end-of-semester test helps students reinforce their understanding of key concepts.
Exploring College and Careers A/B
Exploring College and Careers focuses on personal and career assessment, exploration of career opportunities, academic planning, and financial planning. The course begins with an introduction to self-exploration and explains how to identify aptitudes, interests, skills, values, beliefs, and strengths. It discusses how to interpret self-assessment data to create an initial career and education plan. It delves into how to develop long-term, mid-term, and short-term goals. The course then explores jobs, occupations, and careers in 16 career clusters. It provides insights into the educational requirements and skills necessary for different professions. The course compares postsecondary educational options such as trade or technical schools, apprenticeships, community colleges, the military, and two- and four-year colleges and universities. Lesson Activities, Unit Activities, and a Course Activity help students develop and apply durable skills such as analytical thinking, data analysis, and organizational skills. A Course Project focuses on helping students develop additional durable skills such as planning, goal setting, and doing research. Videos and interactive content included in the lessons keep students engaged and make technical concepts easy to understand. The end-of-semester test helps students reinforce their understanding of key concepts.
Exploring Health Sciences A/B
Exploring Health Sciences focuses on exploring health science careers. In this course, students will explore various career options in health care, such as biotechnology research, health informatics, and therapeutic, support, and diagnostic services. They will learn about the educational qualifications and skills required for a career in health care. They will analyze the evolution of healthcare in the United States and how it has affected care. They will compare the different areas of health care such as primary care, mental health, public health, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices. Students will also discover the foundational health care skills that will help them be successful in a variety of health careers. Lesson Activities, Unit Activities, and a Course Activity help students develop and apply durable skills such as presentation skills, creativity, and a growth mindset. A Course Project focuses on helping students develop additional durable skills such as collaboration, teamwork, and reliability. Videos and interactive content included in the lessons keep students engaged and make technical concepts easy to understand. The end-of-semester test helps students reinforce their understanding of key concepts.
Gothic Literature
Gothic Literature is a one-semester course intended to familiarize students with the different conventions, themes, and elements of Gothic literature through the analysis of representative literary works. Students will discuss classics such as Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, Ann Radcliffe’s novel, A Sicilian Romance, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, Robert Louis Stevenson’s Gothic novella, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
Students will also analyze Edgar Allan Poe’s Gothic short stories, Robert Browning’s Gothic poems, and Emily Dickinson’s poems about death, mortality, and spirituality. Finally, students will get a glimpse of Matthew Lewis and Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Gothic dramas; learn about Gothic parodies and Gothic subgenres; and discuss contemporary Gothic literature.
Introduction to Anthropology
Introduction to Anthropology is a one-semester course that introduces students to the field of anthropology. Students will explore the evolution of anthropology as a distinct discipline; learn about anthropological terms, concepts and theories; and discuss the evolution of humans and human society and culture. Students will also learn about social institutions, such as marriage, economy, religion, and polity. The target audience for this course is high school students.
Introduction to Archaeology
Introduction to Archaeology is a one-semester course that introduces students to the work and techniques involved in archaeology, and the career prospects of an archaeologist. This course covers subject areas such as the history of modern archaeology; discoveries in archaeology; careers in archaeology; research techniques; evidence; site excavation; and many more.
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Philosophy provides students an introduction to the field of philosophy and its great, timeless questions. This one-semester course is intended as a practical guide to help students understand the subject matter of philosophy, its main branches, and the major ideas and issues discussed in each branch. Students will explore the origin and evolution of philosophy as a discipline and learn about the times, lives, and intellectual contributions of essential philosophers.
Introduction to Visual Arts
Introduction to Visual Arts is designed to enable all students at the high school level to familiarize themselves with different types of visual arts. Students will trace the history of art, describe various art forms, and identify the elements of art. After examining the principles of design, students will delve into the parameters involved in evaluating and critiquing art.
Introduction to World Religions
Introduction to World Religions is a one-semester course that familiarizes students with the origins, history, beliefs, and practices of various prominent world religions, primal religions, and contemporary religious movements. The target audience for this course is high school students. This course covers primal religious traditions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shinto and contemporary religious movements.
Music Appreciation
In a time of an increasing emphasis on STEM courses and skills, it remains essential to provide your students with opportunities to explore the arts from both an informational and career-oriented perspective. In Music Appreciation, students will explore the history and evolution of music, learn the elements of music and musical notations, and the contributions of popular music artists and composers. A variety of lessons, activities, and discussions will help to develop an awareness and appreciation of music that will develop not only critical thinking skills, but life enriching skills as well.
Music Appreciation (Apex)
Music Appreciation introduces students to the history, theory, and genres of music, from the most ancient surviving examples to the most contemporary in the world at large. The course is offered in a two-semester format. The first semester covers primitive musical forms and classical music. The second semester presents rich modern traditions, including American jazz, gospel, folk, soul, blues, Latin rhythms, rock and roll, and hip-hop. The course explores the interface of music and social movements and examines how global society and the internet bring musical forms from around the world together in new ways.
Mythology and Folklore
Mythology and Folklore is a one-semester course that introduces students to myths, legends, and folklore from around the world. In this course, students will describe myths related to the creation of the world, the natural elements, and the destruction of the world. Students will identify the main characters of various dynastic dramas, love myths, and epic legends and describe their journeys. Finally, students will trace the evolution of folklore and describe folktales from around the world.
Personal Communication (Apex)
Personal Communication is a one-semester course that teaches students how to become effective at verbal and nonverbal expression. In a rapidly changing world filled with constantly evolving technology, social media, and social networking, students need skills to send clear verbal and nonverbal messages and adapt those messages to multiple contexts. Students need to prepare to identify, analyze, develop, and evaluate communication skills in personal, academic, and professional interactions.
Major topics include intrapersonal and interpersonal interaction, informal communication and interviewing, and the preparation and delivery of informal, informational, and persuasive addresses. Students also engage in recognizing bias, resolving conflicts, and evaluating media messages; gain an understanding of elements of ethical communication and group dynamics; and participate in peer review.
Psychology (Apex)
Psychology provides a solid overview of the field's major domains: methods, biopsychology, cognitive and developmental psychology, and variations in individual and group behavior. By focusing on significant scientific research and on the questions that are most important to psychologists, students see psychology as an evolving science. Each topic clusters around challenge questions, such as “What is happiness?” Students answer these questions before, during, and after they interact with direct instruction. This course is built to state standards and informed by the American Psychological Association's National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula. The teaching methods draw from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) teaching standards.
Sociology (Apex)
Sociology examines why people think and behave as they do in relationships, groups, institutions, and societies. Major course topics include individual and group identity, social structures and institutions, social change, social stratification, social dynamics in recent and current events, the effects of social change on individuals, and the research methods used by social scientists. In online discussions and polls, students reflect critically on their own experiences and ideas, as well as on the ideas of sociologists. Interactive multimedia activities include personal and historical accounts to which students can respond, using methods of inquiry from sociology. Written assignments provide opportunities to practice and develop skills in thinking and communicating about human relationships, individual and group identity, and all other major course topics. This course is built to state standards and the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Expectations of Excellence: Curriculum Standards for Social Studies.
Structure of Writing
This semester-long course focuses on building good sentences. Students will learn how to put words, phrases, and clauses together and how to punctuate correctly. They will start using sentences in short compositions. As an extra bonus, students will add some new words to their vocabulary, and they will practice spelling difficult words. Near the end of the course, students are to submit a book report. Early in the course, encourage students to start looking for the books they want to read for the book report. They might also preview the introduction to that lesson so they know what will be expected.
Women's Studies
Women’s Studies is a one-semester course that introduces students to women’s studies, gender studies, and gender roles. The course traces the history of feminism, analyzes feminist theories, and examines intersectionality. Students will learn about social and political movements for the rights of women and other vulnerable groups. Students will also learn about social and family structures and socialization, which include identifying prejudices, biases, and stereotypes that exist in society and how the media perpetuates some stereotypes about gender roles and identities. The course also covers different forms of oppression, ways to prevent oppression, and methods to help and empower victims. Students will learn about international activism for gender equality, legal rights, and the challenges in achieving equality for all citizens from every section of society. The course combines a variety of content types, including lessons, activities, and discussions to engage learners as they discover the significance of women’s studies.
This course is based on a rigorously researched scope and sequence that covers the essential concepts of health. Students are provided with a variety of health concepts and demonstrate their understanding of those concepts through problem solving. The five units explore a wide variety of topics that include nutrition and fitness, disease and injury, development and sexuality, substance abuse, and mental and community health.
Physical Education
This course’s three units include Getting Active, Improving Performance, and Lifestyle. Unit activities elevate students’ self-awareness of their health and well-being while examining topics such as diet and mental health and exploring websites and other resources. In addition to being effective as a stand-alone course, the components can be easily integrated into other health and wellness courses.
Physical Education (Apex)
Physical Education combines the best of online instruction with actual student participation in weekly cardiovascular, aerobic, and muscle toning activities. The course promotes a keen understanding of the value of physical fitness and aims to motivate students to participate in physical activities throughout their lives.
Specific areas of study include: Cardiovascular exercise and care, safe exercising, building muscle strength and endurance, injury prevention, fitness skills and FITT benchmarks, goal setting, nutrition and diet (vitamins and minerals, food labels, evaluation product claims), and stress management. The course requires routine participation in adult- supervised physical activities. Successful completion of this course will require parent/legal guardian sign-off on student- selected physical activities and on weekly participation reports to verify the student is meeting his or her requirements and responsibilities. Physical Education is built to state standards and informed by the Presidential Council on Physical Fitness and Sports standards.
Computer Programming 1 A/B
Computing for College and Careers is intended as a practical, hands-on guide to help students understand basic computer skills required in their college education as well as in their career. This course covers basic computer hardware components, software applications, productivity applications such as word processing software, spreadsheet software, and presentation software, and new hardware and software technologies such as virtualization, cloud computing, green computing, and blockchain technology. This course also explores various career options and provides guidelines on privacy, security, and ethical issues related to software and internet use.
Computer Science Essentials (Apex)
Computer Science Essentials offers a focused curriculum designed around foundational computer science concepts, including computer systems, programming, networks, and data management. The course also introduces students to foundational computer science skills such as coding, troubleshooting, and being a responsible digital citizen.
Course topics include the history and impact of computers; careers in computer science; computing laws and ethics; bias and equity issues in computing; algorithms and coding; data storage, organization, and analysis; hardware and software; robotics; networks and the internet; cybersecurity and online safety; website design; and the use of abstraction in computing. Students discover new concepts through guided instruction and confirm their understanding in an interactive, feedback-rich environment.
A variety of activities encourage students to explore different aspects of computer science. Lab activities guide students through coding their own programs. Project and explore activities reinforce critical thinking, research, writing, and communication skills. In addition, project activities guide students through the development of different types of computer artifacts. In discussion activities, students conduct research on current computing topics and then exchange ideas with their peers. Practice activities provide additional opportunities for students to apply learned concepts and practice their writing, reasoning, and computer literacy skills. This course is built to state standards.
Introduction to Cybersecurity
Introduction to Cybersecurity introduces students to the field of cybersecurity, focusing primarily on personal computer use and vulnerabilities while also highlighting the wider scope of cybersecurity from a societal and career perspective. Specific topics include computer security, VPN and wireless security, risk management, and laws, standards, and ethics related to cybersecurity
Child Development and Parenting A/B
Child Development and Parenting is designed to familiarize students with the various stages of child development as well as the factors that may prevent the healthy development of a child. This course explores the development, health, nutrition, and safety of children at various stages. In addition, the course covers career opportunities in the field of childcare and development.
Introduction to Military Careers
Introduction to Military Careers is a one-semester course that introduces the US military and describes each of its branches, which include the National Guard, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Air Force. Students will learn about the relationship of the military reserve to the branches of the military. The course covers non-combat careers in the military, such as military intelligence, information technology, health care, legal services, logistics, aviation, and transportation, and other specialized careers. This course also covers enlistment and fitness requirements for military careers and personal traits that are essential for success in the military. The lessons in the course provide students with both breadth and depth, as they learn about the US Military. Online discussions and course activities require students to develop and apply critical thinking skills while appealing to a variety of learning styles and keep students engaged.
Personal Finance
Personal Finance is a one-semester course that teaches financial literacy skills to help students plan and achieve career and personal goals. This course focuses on consumer economics, financial services, and personal financial management. Students learn how to budget, spend, invest, and make every day financial decisions. The course also provides an exploration of careers in personal finance and consumer services.
Personal Financial Literacy
Personal Financial Literacy offers an engaging, scaffolded curriculum that introduces key topics and principles necessary to financial literacy. The one-semester course covers earning and spending; savings and investing; credit and debt; protection of assets; and financial planning and decision-making. Through real-life scenarios and hands-on activities, the course explores choosing among banking and investment options, shopping for an auto loan, choosing among career and college options, financing options for continuing education, planning for retirement, and creating and living within a budget. As a social studies course, Financial Literacy is designed to complement courses in Economics and Mathematics for Personal Finance.This course is built to state standards and further informed by standards from the Council for Economic Education's National Standards for Financial Literacy and the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy's National Standards in K-12 Personal Finance Education.
Principles of Human Services A/B
The Principles of Human Services course is designed to enable students at the high school level to develop the critical skills and knowledge necessary in the human services industry in careers such as childcare, family services, and personal care services. Students will learn about various personal characteristics that they need to demonstrate in the workplace, such as integrity, and positive work ethics. This course covers topics such as employability skills, counseling and mental health services, and consumer services. The course is based on Career Technical Education (CTE) standards designed to help students prepare for entry into a wide range of careers in the human services field.
Psychology A/B
Psychology gives your students an overview of the history of psychology while also giving them the resources to explore career opportunities in the field. Students will learn how psychologists develop and validate theories and will examine how hereditary, social, and cultural factors help form an individual’s behavior and attitudes. Students will also evaluate the effectiveness of different types of psychological counseling and therapy and describe key statistical concepts used in psychological research and testing. Finally, students will identify and explore career opportunities in psychology.
Relationships and Emotions A/B
Relationships and Emotions is a two-semester course that focuses on various facets and complexities of relationships and emotions. The course begins with an explanation of the importance of communication skills in building relationships. It then delves into problem-solving, critical thinking, time management, and goal setting—all skills essential for a fulfilling life. The course next explores different kinds of relationships, including familial and other common societal relationships, while distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy relationships. In addition, the course discusses conflict resolution, support systems, self-esteem, and self-management strategies.
Lesson Activities, Unit Activities, a Course Activity, and a Course Project help students develop and apply critical thinking skills. Videos and interactive content included in the lessons keep students engaged and make technical concepts easy to understand. The end-of-semester test helps students reinforce their understanding of key concepts.
In the Sociology course, students will explore the evolution of sociology as a distinct discipline while learning about sociological concepts and processes. They will learn how the individual relates to and impacts society. Students will also learn about the influence of culture, social structure, socialization, and social change on themselves and others. The course combines a variety of content types, including lessons, activities, and discussions to engage learners as they discover sociology as a subject and as a career.
Allied Health Careers A/B
Allied Health Careers focuses on the health care delivery system and careers in allied health services. In semester A, students begin by learning the structures and functions of various body systems. They explore common diseases and disorders of each system and discuss strategies and factors that influence overall health and wellness. In addition, semester A covers medical terminology, diagnostic imaging techniques, electrocardiography, common laboratory tests, and respiratory care. Semester B focuses on the skills and knowledge needed by allied health professionals in various health care fields. It also covers information concerning safety, law, and ethics in health care settings. In addition, students learn important workplace skills related to communication, teamwork, and leadership. The lesson activities, unit activities, course assignment, and course project help students develop and apply critical thinking skills. The videos keep students engaged. And the practice test at the end of the course helps students reinforce their understanding of key concepts.
Exercise Science A/B
Exercise Science focuses on providing a solid foundation in exercise science to students interested in careers such as athletic training, personal training, physical therapy, nutrition, and recreational therapy. Students explore the concepts of biomechanics and kinesiology, as well as the anatomy and physiology of various body systems. Students identify common diseases and disorders of each system and discuss the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of these diseases and disorders. Students will also discover how to perform fitness and biometric measurements, complete client
evaluations, and design client exercise and rehabilitation programs. In addition, the course covers the basics of nutrition, physical activity, and wellness.
The lesson activities, unit activities, course assignment, and course project help students develop and apply critical thinking skills. The videos included in the lessons keep students engaged. The practice test at the end of the course helps students reinforce their understanding of key concepts.
Health Science 1 A/B
Health Science 1 is based on Career and Technical Education (CTE) standards to help students develop technical knowledge and skills needed for success in careers in the health science industry. The course will engage students to understand the basic structure and function of the human body, biomolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids, and biological and chemical processes. Students will also learn to identify and analyze diseases and medical procedures related to each body system, while developing an understanding of medical terminology.
Health Science 2 A/B
Health Science 2 is designed to enable students to learn the basics of health science. In the course, students will develop an understanding of the academic qualifications, personal skills, training, and use of healthcare tools required to work in the healthcare industry. The course is based on Career and Technical Education (CTE) standards to help students develop technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the healthcare industry.
Culinary Arts A/B
Culinary Arts is intended to help students gain an understanding of the history and development of the culinary arts as well as practical skills for careers in the culinary industry. This course covers the basics of nutrition, health, safety, and sanitation and the basic science principles used in cooking. Students will be exposed to the culinary skills required to make a variety of food items. Additionally, students will become familiar with menu planning, food presentation, different service styles, and kitchen management skills. This course is based on Career and Technical Education (CTE) standards designed to help students prepare for entry into a wide range of careers in the culinary industry.
Nutrition and Wellness
Nutrition and Wellness is a one-semester introductory course that covers the basics of nutrition and health. The course introduces students to nutrients, their food sources, their functions, nutrient recommendations, and food labeling.
Students will learn about the digestive and metabolic processes in the human body and discuss factors that affect health, wellness and fitness, and the nutritional needs through the life and for specific conditions. Food management principles, such as safe food handling practices, foodborne pathogens and illnesses, food preparation and presentation techniques, menu planning, and technological advances and marketing trends in the food industry are covered in this course. Finally, students will explore career options in the field of nutrition and wellness and learn about goal setting, planning a career, and workplace skills and ethics.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Sports Entertainment and Marketing is a one-semester course intended to help students gain an insight into the field of sports, entertainment, and recreation marketing. This course covers fundamental concepts in sports, entertainment, and recreation marketing. It also covers essential skills related to advertising, sponsorship, and marketing campaigns. In addition, the course covers crucial workplace skills, such as teamwork and leadership skills.
Career Explorations
Career Explorations is intended as a practical, hands-on guide to enable students to explore career opportunities in different career clusters and pathways. In addition to exploring career options, students will develop an academic and career plan, learn essential skills for success in college and a variety of careers, and prepare to enter the job market. Career Explorations also helps students build confidence as they prepare to embark on their chosen careers.
Essential Career Skills
Essential Career Skills is a one-semester course that teaches the skills required to achieve success in modern-day careers. Students will learn about personal qualities and people skills that are important in the workplace, such as work ethic, integrity, teamwork, and conflict resolution. Additionally, students will practice skills in communication, math, problem-solving, and critical thinking. The course then covers the structures and functions of business organizations, time, task, and resource management skills, and workplace safety laws and standards. Students will then explore career goals and job opportunities and become familiar with various technologies used to perform job-specific tasks in an organization.
Forestry and Wildlife Management A/B
Forestry and Wildlife Management is a two-semester course that begins by identifying employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in forestry, wildlife, and natural resource management. Students learn about safety hazards and procedures in the industry. They also learn about soil, mineral, plant, water, forest, and wildlife management, as well as the laws that govern these professions. In addition, students learn about the tools and practices used in forestry and wildlife management careers. Finally, they learn about the carrying capacity of rangelands and the consequences of overgrazing. Lesson Activities, Unit Activities, a Course Activity, and a Course Project help students develop and apply critical thinking skills. Videos and interactive content included in the lessons keep students engaged and make technical concepts easy to understand. The end-of-semester test helps students reinforce their understanding of key concepts.
Introduction to Marine Biology
Introduction to Marine Biology is designed to introduce students to oceanic features and processes, ocean habitats and ecosystems, life forms in the ocean, and types of interactions in the ocean. Students will learn about the formation and characteristic features of the oceans. They will learn about the scientific method and explore careers available in marine biology. The course then covers the characteristic features of different taxonomic groups, habitats, life forms, and ecosystems that exist in the oceans and different adaptations marine creatures possess to survive in the ocean. Students will learn about succession and the flow of energy in marine ecosystems, as well as the resources that the oceans provide and the threats that the oceans face from human activities.
Introduction to Veterinary Science
Introduction to Veterinary Science is designed to introduce students at the high school level to the fundamentals of veterinary science. The students will explore the history of veterinary science and the skills and requirements for a successful career in the veterinary industry. They will also explore the anatomy and physiology of animals, learn how to evaluate animal health, and determine effective treatments for infectious and noninfectious diseases in animals. Additionally, they will learn about zoonotic diseases, and the impact of toxins and poisons on animal health.
Natural Resources A/B
Natural Resources is a two-semester course that focuses on the sustainable management of natural resources such as air, water, minerals, energy sources, soil, and land. The course begins with an introduction to types of natural resources, including biotic, abiotic, renewable, and nonrenewable resources, as well as their geographic distribution and uses. It explores how human activities affect the availability of natural resources and examines the environmental and economic consequences of natural resource use and overuse. In addition, the course covers soil, land, forest, and rangeland management. Students will discover career options and the skills needed within the natural resources industry, as well as workplace safety regulations. Finally, the course examines the laws and regulations that govern natural resource use and management. Lesson Activities, Unit Activities, a Course Activity, and a Course Project help students develop and apply critical thinking skills. Videos and interactive content included in the lessons keep students engaged and make technical concepts easy to understand. The end-of-semester test helps students reinforce their understanding of key concepts.
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources A/B
In the Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources course, students will learn about various career options in the agriculture, food, and natural resources industries. They will learn about technology, safety, and regulatory issues in agricultural science. They will also learn about topics related to agriculture, such as international agriculture and world trade, sustainability, environmental management, research, development, and future trends in the industry. The course helps students understand how the rising demand for sustainable food sources can be met while also meeting the challenge of producing higher yields to feed a growing world.
Game Development
Game Development teaches students the ins and outs of game development to prepare them for a career in the field. This course covers the history of video games, character development, mobile game design, user interface design, social gaming, and the principles of development design and management methodologies. While fun and highly engaging, the course focuses on laying a strong foundation for a career in game development.
Principles of Engineering and Technology A/B
The Principles of Engineering and Technology course provides students with essential STEM knowledge and an effective overview of STEM careers. Students will become familiar with engineering systems and technologies, the process of engineering design, and manufacturing technologies and processes. Additionally, the course covers communication skills and team and resource management.
Robotics I A/B
This two-semester course is focused on the concepts related to robots and how to construct a robot. Students will learn about the history and applications of robotics. Students will learn about the job opportunities and employability skills in the field of robotics. Students will also learn about the basic concepts of six simple machines, electricity, electronic circuits, Boolean algebra, magnetics, and their applicability to robotics. Students will apply safety procedures and construct a simple robot. Students will also learn about project management and engineering design process. Students will learn about the programming languages used in robotics. Students will create a simple robotic arm. Students will also construct a robot using programming. Student will learn about ethics and laws related to robotics. Students will also learn how to test and maintain a robot. Online discussions and unit activities require students to develop and apply critical thinking skills, while the included games appeal to a variety of learning styles and keep students engaged. Required lab materials note: This course contains hands-on labs that employ relatively-common household materials to provide a valuable laboratory experience. Please refer to the Student Syllabus or Teacher’s Guide for a detailed list of required lab materials and options for purchasing kits.
Audio/Video Production 1 A/B
Audio/Video Production 1 is designed to enable students to learn the basics of audio/video production. The course will help students develop an understanding of the industry with a focus on pre-production, production, and post- production audio and video activities, video production (including using advanced techniques), and careers and ethics in audio/video production. The course is based on Career and Technical Education (CTE) standards designed to help students develop technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the audio/video production industry.
Audio/Video Production 2 A/B
Audio/Video Production 2 is designed to enable students to develop the knowledge and skills related to audio/video techniques that they can use in their careers. This course covers the elements of audio/video production, preproduction activities, production activities, post production activities, media production techniques, media formats and distribution, and media ethics and critique. The course is based on Career Technical Education (CTE) standards designed to help students develop technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the audio/video production industry.
Audio/Video Production 3 A/B
Audio/Video Production 3 is designed to enable students to understand basic concepts in audio/video manufacturing. Students will learn about preproduction techniques, advanced production techniques, advanced post-production techniques, mastering production techniques, special effects and animation, and audio/video careers and production laws. The course is based on Career Technical Education (CTE) standards designed to help students prepare for entry into a wide range of careers in audio/video production
Digital and Interactive Media A/B
Digital and Interactive Media is a comprehensive introduction to careers in the rapidly expanding world of digital art. The course covers creative and practical aspects of digital art as well as careers, training, and emerging technologies in digital media. Students will learn concepts involved in digital media, such as graphic design, principles of design, digital printing, digital communication systems, and digital publishing. This course explores various career options and students will create a digital portfolio.
Graphic Design and Illustration A/B
The Graphic Design and Illustration course allows students to develop an understanding of the industry with a focus on topics such as history of graphic design, types of digital images, graphic design tools, storing and manipulating images, design elements and principles, copyright laws, and printing images. The course is based on Career Technical Education (CTE) standards designed to help students develop technical knowledge and skills needed for success in careers in the graphic design industry.
Introduction to Fashion Design
Introduction to Fashion Design focuses on the practical aspects of career preparation in the fashion design industry. The lessons in the course provide students with both breadth and depth, as they explore the full gamut of relevant topics in fashion design. This course provides students insight on the history of fashion and its place in the modern world and helps students understand terms and concepts related to fashion. Students explore fashion forecasting, predicting consumer demand, pricing, and other activities involved in the fashion process from the inspiration for a garment to creating sketches until the final product takes shape.
Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications A/B
Principles of Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications appeals to students' familiarity with a variety of sensory inputs and stimuli. With an emphasis on visual arts, the lessons in the course introduce learners to careers in design, photography, performing arts, fashion, and journalism, among others. This course covers inherently engaging topics that will stimulate your students as they consider careers in which the arts, technology, and communications intersect.
Professional Photography A/B
Few recent technical innovations have changed an industry as fundamentally as digital photography has changed everything about the way we capture our lives in the way we take, edit, store, and share pictures. Professional Photography provides a practical, hands-on guide to help students understand the skills required to achieve success in photography careers. This course will cover various topics, such as types of photography, using digital cameras, photographic lighting and composition, manipulating images, printing photos, darkroom development, evaluating photographs, and print production. By the end of the courses, students will learn how to create a photography portfolio.
Theater, Cinema, and Film Production
Theater, Cinema, and Film Production is a one-semester course that explores what goes into the making of a theater and film production. The course’s lessons focus on the pre-production, production, and post-production stages of theater
and film productions. Students will be introduced to theater and film, and their different genres and subgenres. They will also learn about roles and responsibilities of the cast and crew, including the director, actors, screenplay writers, set designers, wardrobe stylists and costume designers, and makeup artists. The course also covers technical aspects, such as lighting and sound. Students will also learn about the influence of the audience on theater, cinema, and film production. The course combines a variety of content types, including lessons, activities, and discussions to keep students engaged as they discover the world of theater, cinema, and film production.
Principles of Education and Training A/B
Principles of Education and Training is designed to enable students at the high school level to learn the basics of education and training. Students will learn about various trends and factors that influence the education industry. This course introduces various career opportunities in the field of education. The course topics include personal and professional skills needed in various education careers, child growth and development, child health, delivering instruction, and technology in education. The course is based on Career Technical Education (CTE) standards designed to help students develop technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the education industry.
Drafting and Design A/B
Drafting and Design gives students a comprehensive look at the fundamental concepts of drafting and design. In this course, students will explore types of drafting tools, drafting conventions, sketching and drawing techniques, types of views and projections, computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) operations, and the development of a prototype. This course features skill-embedded content that connects student learning to real-life experiences. Additionally, students will develop key professional and personal skills that are helpful in having a successful career in the field of drafting and design.
Principles of Architecture and Construction A/B
In the Principles of Architecture and Construction course, students will learn about various career options in the field. The course covers foundational concepts of architecture and construction such as architectural drawings, structure and loads, materials, and equipment used in architecture and construction. Students then learn the key concepts of urban design and its relationship with city government and about construction documents and standards. The course also covers workplace skills and ethics and basic computing skills.
Entrepreneurship A/B
Entrepreneurship is a course that is based on Career Technical Education (CTE) standards designed to help students understand the roles and attributes of an entrepreneur, marketing and its components, selling process, and operations management. In this course, students will explore entrepreneurship and the economy, marketing fundamentals, managing customers, production and operations management, money, and business law and taxation.
Introduction to Social Media
Introduction to Social Media is a one-semester course intended to familiarize students with the evolution and rapid growth of social media. The course explores different types of social media platforms, their features, and their benefits and risks. Students will learn about wikis and crowdsourcing and how social media is used for marketing. The course also covers online security and privacy risks, safety guidelines, and what it means to be a good digital citizen.
Introduction to Criminology
Introduction to Criminology is a one-semester course that is designed to enable students to understand basic concepts related to criminology. The target audience for this course is high school students. This course allows students to analyze and compare various theories related to criminology. Additionally, students will explore topics such as punishing offenders, deterring criminal behavior, and eliminating injustice with peace.
Introduction to Forensic Science
Introduction to Forensic Science is designed to introduce students to the importance and limitations of forensic science and explore different career options in this field. They also learn to process a crime scene, collect and preserve evidence, and analyze biological evidence such as fingerprints, blood spatter, and DNA samples. Moreover, they learn to determine the time and cause of death in homicides and analyze ballistic evidence and human remains in a crime scene. Finally, they learn about forensic investigative methods related to arson, computer crimes, financial crimes, frauds, and forgeries.
ELL Foundations: Level 1
ELL Foundations: Level 1 provides 32 interactive lessons based on beginning-level multicultural readings that reflect the diverse backgrounds of English language learners. Readings include fiction, poetry, informational texts, and culturally informed myths. Educators are supported with built-in reporting, grading, and standards-alignment capabilities. They will also have access to complete lesson plans designed to maximize learning. The course is composed of online student tutorials with beginning-level readings, vocabulary and comprehension activities for on- or offline assignments, and mastery tests to gauge student comprehension and progress. Students and teachers will also enjoy the familiar structure and user experience of Edmentum Courseware.
ELL Foundations: Newcomer
ELL Foundations: Newcomer provides 23 vocabulary-focused, interactive lessons based on clear representation and developmentally appropriate art of entry-level vocabulary for school success. Educators are supported with built-in reporting, grading, and standards-alignment capabilities. They will also have access to complete lesson plans designed to maximize learning. The course is composed of online student tutorials with beginning-level readings, vocabulary and comprehension activities for on- or offline assignments, and mastery tests to gauge student comprehension and progress. Students and teachers will also enjoy the familiar structure and user experience of Edmentum Courseware.
Adaptive Physical Education
This course is designed specifically for students with physical limitations. The content is similar to Fitness Fundamentals 1, but additional modification resources are provided to allow for customized exercise requirements based on a student’s situation. In addition, students learn the basic skills and information needed to begin a personalized exercise program and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Students research the benefits of physical activity, as well as the techniques, components, principles, and guidelines of exercise to keep them safe and healthy.
Comprehensive Physical Education
In this course students will explore concepts involving personal fitness, team sports, dual sports, and individual and lifetime sports. Students will focus on health-related fitness as they set goals and develop a program to improve their fitness level through cardio, strength, and flexibility training. In addition, they will learn about biomechanics and movement concepts, as they enhance their level of skill-related fitness. Students will learn about game play concepts and specifically investigate the rules, guidelines, and skills pertaining to soccer, softball, volleyball, tennis, walking and running, dance, and yoga. Throughout this course students will also participate in a weekly fitness program involving elements of cardio, strength, and flexibility training.
Exercise Science
This course takes an in-depth examination of the effects of exercise on the body. Through this course, students will learn basic anatomy, biomechanics, and physiology, as well as proper principles and techniques to design an effective exercise program. The study of nutrition and human behavior will also be integrated into the course to enhance the students’ comprehension of this multifaceted subject.
Family & Consumer Science
Family & Consumer Science prepares students with a variety of skills for independent or family living. Topics covered include child care, home maintenance, food preparation, money management, medical management, clothing care, and more. They also focus on household, personal, and consumer health and safety. In addition, students learn goal setting and decision-making skills, as well as explore possible career options.
Family Living & Healthy Relationships
In this course, students examine the family unit and characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships at different phases of life-- including information on self- discovery, family, friendships, dating and abstinence, marriage, pregnancy, and parenthood. Students learn about the life cycle and the different stages of development from infancy to adulthood. They also focus on a variety of skills to improve relationships and family living, including coping skills, communication skills, refusal skills, babysitting, parenting, and healthy living and disease prevention habits.
First Aid & Safety
In this course, students learn and practice first aid procedures for a variety of common conditions, including muscular, skeletal, and soft tissue injuries. In addition, students learn how to appropriately respond to a variety of emergency situations. They also learn the procedures for choking and CPR for infants, children, and adults. In addition to emergency response, students will explore personal, household, and outdoor safety, and disaster preparedness.
Fitness Basics 1
This course provides students with a basic understanding of fitness and nutrition. Students will learn about exercise safety, team and individual sports, nutrition, and the importance of staying active throughout their lifetime. Students conduct fitness assessments, set goals, develop their own fitness program, and participate in weekly physical activity.
Fitness Basics 2
This course provides students with a basic understanding of fitness and nutrition. Students will learn about exercise safety, team and individual sports, nutrition, and the importance of staying active throughout their lifetime. Students conduct fitness assessments and participate in weekly physical activity.
Fitness Fundamentals 1
This course is designed to provide students with the basic skills and information needed to begin a personalized exercise program and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Students participate in pre- and post fitness assessments in which they measure and analyze their own levels of fitness based on the five components of physical fitness: muscular strength, endurance, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and body composition. In this course, students research the benefits of physical activity, as well as the techniques, principles, and guidelines of exercise to keep them safe and healthy. Throughout this course students participate in a weekly fitness program involving elements of cardio, strength, and flexibility training.
Fitness Fundamentals 2
This course takes a more in-depth look at the five components of physical fitness touched on in Fitness Fundamentals 1: muscular strength, endurance, cardiovascular health, flexibility, and body composition. This course allows students to discover new interests as they experiment with a variety of exercises in a non-competitive atmosphere. By targeting different areas of fitness, students increase their understanding of health habits and practices and improve their overall fitness level. Students take a pre- and post-fitness assessment. Throughout this course students also participate in a weekly fitness program involving elements of cardio, strength, and flexibility.
Flexibility Training
This course focuses on the often-neglected fitness component of flexibility. Students establish their fitness level, set goals, and design their own flexibility training program. They study muscular anatomy and learn specific exercises to stretch each muscle or muscle group. Students focus on proper posture and technique while training. They also gain an understanding of how to apply the FITT principles to flexibility training. This course explores aspects of static, isometric, and dynamic stretching, as well as touch on aspects of yoga and Pilates. This course also discusses good nutrition and effective cross-training. Students take a pre- and post fitness assessment. Throughout this course students also participate in a weekly fitness program involving flexibility training, as well as elements of cardio and strength training.
Group Sports
This course provides students with an overview of group sports. Students learn about a variety of sports, yet do an in depth study of soccer, basketball, baseball/softball, and volleyball. Students learn not only the history, rules, and guidelines of each sport, but practice specific skills related to each sport. Students also learn about sportsmanship and teamwork. In addition, students study elements of personal fitness, goal setting, sport safety, and sports nutrition. Students conduct fitness assessments and participate in regular weekly physical activity.
HOPE (Health Opportunities through Physical Education) 1
This comprehensive health and PE course provides students with essential knowledge and decision-making skills for a healthy lifestyle. Students will analyze aspects of emotional, social, and physical health and how these realms of health influence each other. Students will apply principles of health and wellness to their own lives. In addition, they will study behavior change and set goals to work on throughout the course. Other topics of study include substance abuse, safety and injury prevention, environmental health, and consumer health.
HOPE (Health Opportunities through Physical Education) 2
This comprehensive health and PE course provides students with essential knowledge and decision-making skills for a healthy lifestyle. Students will analyze aspects of emotional, social, and physical health and how these realms of health influence each other. Students will apply principles of health and wellness to their own lives. In addition, they will study behavior change and set goals to work on throughout the course. Other topics of study include substance abuse, safety and injury prevention, environmental health, and consumer health.
Health & Personal Wellness
This comprehensive health course provides students with essential knowledge and decision-making skills for a healthy lifestyle. Students will analyze aspects of emotional, social, and physical health and how these realms of health influence each other. Students will apply principles of health and wellness to their own lives. In addition, they will study behavior change and set goals to work on throughout the semester. Other topics of study include substance abuse, safety and injury prevention, environmental health, and consumer health.
Health Careers
In this course, students explore a variety of career options related to the health care field, including medicine, nursing, physical therapy, pharmacy, dental careers, sports medicine, personal training, social work, psychology, and more.Students will learn about various options within each field, what each of these jobs entails, and the education and knowledge required to be successful. In addition, they will focus on basic job skills and information that would aid them in health care and other career paths.
Individual Sports
This course provides students with an overview of individual sports. Students learn about a variety of sports, yet do an in-depth study of running, walking, hiking, yoga, dance, swimming, biking, and cross-training. Students learn not only the history, rules, and guidelines of each sport, but practice specific skills related to each sport. Students also learn about the components of fitness, the FITT principles, benefits of fitness, safety and technique, and good nutrition. Students conduct fitness assessments and participate in weekly physical activity.
Intro to Coaching
This course focuses on the various responsibilities of a coach and the skills needed to successfully fill this important position. Throughout the course, students will explore various coaching models and leadership styles, sports nutrition and sports psychology, as well as safety, conditioning, and cross-training. Students will learn effective communication, problem-solving, and decision making skills. The course will also introduce students to game strategy, tactical strategy, skills-based training, and coaching ethics.
Intro to Group Sports 1
This course provides students with an overview of group sports. Students learn about a variety of sports, and an in- depth study of soccer or basketball. Students learn not only the history, rules, and guidelines of each sport, but practice specific skills related to each sport. Students also learn about game strategy and the benefits of sports. In addition, students study elements of personal fitness, goal setting, sport safety, and sports nutrition. Students conduct a pre- and post-fitness assessment, as well as participate in regular weekly physical activity.
Intro to Group Sports 2
This course provides students with an overview of group sports. Students learn about a variety of sports and do an in- depth study of baseball/softball, and volleyball. Students learn the history, rules, and guidelines of each sport, as well as practice specific skills related to each sport. Students also learn about sportsmanship and teamwork. In addition, students study elements of personal fitness, goal setting, sport safety, and sports nutrition. Students conduct a pre- and post-fitness assessment, as well as participate in regular weekly physical activity.
Intro to Individual Sports 1
This course provides students with an overview of individual sports. Students learn about a variety of sports, yet do an in-depth study of running, walking, strength training, yoga, Pilates, dance, water sports, and cross- training. Students Learn the history, rules, and guidelines of each sport, and practice specific skills related to each sport. Students also learn about the components of fitness, FITT principles, benefits of fitness, safety and technique, and good nutrition. Students conduct fitness assessments and participate in weekly physical activity.
Intro to Individual Sports 2
This course provides students with an overview of individual sports. Students learn about a variety of sports, yet do an in-depth study of running, walking, strength training, yoga, Pilates, dance, water sports, and cross- training. Students Learn the history, rules, and guidelines of each sport, and practice specific skills related to each sport. Students also learn about the components of fitness, FITT principles, benefits of fitness, safety and technique, and good nutrition. Students conduct fitness assessments and participate in weekly physical activity.
Life Skills
This course allows students to explore their personality type and interests, as well as refine important skills that will benefit them throughout their lives, including personal nutrition and fitness skills, time & stress management, communication & healthy relationships, goal setting, study skills, leadership and service, environmental and consumer health, and personal finances. In addition, students will explore possible colleges and careers that match their needs, interests, and talents.
Lifetime & Leisure sports
This course provides students with an overview of dual and individual sports. Students learn about a variety of sports, and do an in-depth study of martial arts, Pilates, fencing, gymnastics, and water sports. Students learn not only the history, rules, and guidelines of each sport, but practice specific skills related to many of these sports. Students also learn the components of fitness, benefits of fitness, safety and technique, and good nutrition. Students conduct fitness assessments, set goals, and participate in weekly physical activity.
Middle School Health
Middle School Health aids students in creating a foundation of personal health. Beginning with properly defining health, this course then builds upon basic health practices to emphasize the importance of balance. Attention is given to each of the six dimensions of wellness; namely, physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental. Students are taught the skills necessary to improve every aspect of health. They are also encouraged to reflect upon their own personal wellness each week.
This course takes students through a comprehensive study of nutritional principles and guidelines. Students will learn about world- wide views of nutrition, nutrient requirements, physiological processes, food labeling, healthy weight management, diet-related diseases, food handling, nutrition for different populations, and more. Students will gain important knowledge and skills to aid them in attaining and maintaining a healthy and nutritious lifestyle.
Outdoor Sports
This course provides students with an overview of dual and individual sports. Students learn about a variety of sports, and do an in- depth study of hiking and orienteering, golf, and dual volleyball. Students learn not only the history, rules, and guidelines of each sport, but practice specific skills related to many of these sports. Students also learn the FITT principles, benefits of fitness, and safety and technique. Students conduct fitness assessments, set goals, and participate in weekly physical activity.
Personal Health & Fitness
This combined health and PE course provides students with essential knowledge and decision-making skills for a healthy lifestyle. Students will analyze aspects of emotional, social, and physical health and how these realms of health influence each other. Students will apply principles of health and wellness to their own lives. In addition, they will study behavior change and set goals to work on throughout the course. Other topics of study include substance abuse, safety and injury prevention, environmental health, and consumer health.
In this course, students will examine the functions of the body's biological systems--including skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, nervous, and reproductive systems. In addition to understanding the function of each system, students will learn the function of cells, blood, and sensory organs, as well as study DNA, immunity, and metabolic systems.
This course is appropriate for beginning, intermediate, and advanced runners and offers a variety of training schedules for each. In addition to reviewing the fundamental principles of fitness, students learn about goals and motivation, levels of training, running mechanics, safety and injury prevention, appropriate attire, running in the elements, good nutrition and hydration, and effective cross-training. While this course focuses mainly on running for fun and fitness, it also briefly explores the realm of competitive racing. Students conduct fitness assessments and participate in weekly physical activity.
Sports Officiating
In this course, students will learn the rules, game play, and guidelines for a variety of sports, including soccer, baseball, softball, basketball, volleyball, football, and tennis. In addition, they will learn the officiating calls and hand signals for each sport, as well as the role a sport official plays in maintaining fair play.
Strength Training
This one-semester course by Carone Fitness focuses on the fitness components of muscular strength and endurance. Throughout this course students establish their fitness level, set goals, and design their own resistance training program. They study muscular anatomy and learn specific exercises to strengthen each muscle or muscle group. Students focus on proper posture and technique while training. They also gain an understanding of how to apply the FITT principles and other fundamental exercise principles, such as progression and overload, to strength training.
Walking Fitness
This course helps students establish a regular walking program for health and fitness. Walking is appropriate for students of all fitness levels and is a great way to maintain a moderately active lifestyle. In addition to reviewing fundamental principles of fitness, students learn about goals and motivation, levels of training, walking mechanics, safety and injury prevention, appropriate attire, walking in the elements, good nutrition and hydration, and effective cross-training. Students take a pre- and post-fitness assessment. Throughout this course students also participate in a weekly fitness program involving walking, as well as elements of resistance training and flexibility.